Exchange of experience

On 23-24 November 2020 the Head of the Department of foreign languages of EAGI, Docent, C.P.Sc. Volkova L.V. conducted some lessons on the theme: “New technologies in foreign language teaching”. With the aim to exchange experience these on-line lessons were attended by the senior teacher of the Department M.P.Sc, Kardybayeva M.S.. The L.N. Gumilyov ENU master student Beisenbina Nuray being the member of the group of the master students as a trainee assisted the teacher having prepared the presentation on the theme: «Priorities for Kazakhstani Educational system». The lessons were informative and interactive. The representatives of the young generation acquired valuable experience attending the webinar of an experienced English teacher, a professional who is sincerely devoted to her job and who is striving to share her experience and knowledge with the young generation.