Meeting of the EAGI Administration with the students living in the dormitory

On 10-th February 2021 at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held a meeting of the students living in the dormitory with the Institute administration, the services of the academic support of the students, the Chairperson of the Committee on the Youth affairs.

Professor Ospanov S.S.,Vice-Rector on social and economic issues, got the students acquainted with the basic documents concerning the conditions of living in the student dormitory and the Regulations about the internal order. In his speech he paid a special attention to the students’ behavior, the rules of security while using electric devices, safety of equipment, furniture and their rooms.

Professor Ospanova Ya.N., Vice-Rector on the educational work, spoke about the rights and duties of the dormitory students.

Docent Kemaikina T.N., the Dean of the Institute, spoke about the social and household issues of the students living together and called the students for mutual understanding.

Baizhumanova K.T. paid attention to the necessity to fulfill the requirements of the educational program on the chosen specialty, attendance of the lessons according to the time-table, to pass examinations at the established time, to eliminate academic debts in time.

The medical worker of the Institute Rakhmetova S.S. accentuated the students’ attention on strict implementation of SER , the rules of personal hygiene.

Dormitory commandant Dutpayeva G.U. familiarized the students about the rules of living in the dormitory in detail.

Shakenova A., the Chairperson of the Committee on the Youth Affairs, spoke about the goals, tasks and the basic activities of the student self-government. The new Student Council representing, a real form of the student democracy, was elected.

In conclusion the students asked questions and received full answers to them.