Prevention of extremism, development of tolerance in the youth environment: problem and its solution.

On 12 May 2021 the event “Discussion Spot” on the theme: “ Prevention of extremism, development of tolerance in the youth environment: problem and its solution” under the leadership of the Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Abdrashitova T.A. and the participation of the students of the educational program 6B01102 – “Pedagogy and Psychology” took place on the ZOOM platform.

The aim of the event is to consider psychological features of the specific behavior of the religious-political extremists, terrorists.

The event was conducted in the interactive format. There were used active methods of teaching: questionnaire, presentations, a video-film, the method of “the brain storm”, working in small groups. The students had the handout material. The following issues were discussed:

1. Psychological nature of the religious-political extremism, terrorism (presentation of Professor T.A. Abdrashitova).
2. Prevention of extremism, development of tolerance in the youth environment (students of group ПП-19-01).
3. Problems of ethnocentrism and extremism, ways of their solution (students of group ПП-19-01)