About the adult problems of the children’s literature…

On 14-18 September the 1-st Crimean International Forum “A Book in the culture of childhood” was held by the Tavrichesky Academy of the KPhU named after V.I. Vernadsky together with the Department of the Russian Literature of the Institute of Philology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University.

Doctor of Philological Science, professor of the Institute of Philology of the Moscow Pedagogical state University Irina Gheorghiyevna Mineralova marked the significance of the Forum: “Now we speak much of the necessity to encourage children with love for reading, the majority of people do not know how to do this. And we are ready to show and teach. Today when the media space is very active and the children have gadgets in their hands since their birth we must use these gadgets to teach a child to read, to speak, to know the native language and  to love it. We gathered the creators of the children’s literature, pedagogues, psychologists, scientists-philologists together to develop modern approaches to the work with the children’s book and its study.”

The Eurasian Humanities Institute was represented by Docent of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology D.B. Amanzholova. The result of the Forum was not only the exchange of the opinions of scientists but also the constructive dialogue between the teachers of Simferopol and Moscow schools that gave the opportunity for joint projects.

Reference to the article of the event: http://ta.cfuv.ru/novosti/fakultet-slavyanskoj-filologii-i-zhurnalistiki/neskolko-slov-o-forume-kniga-v-kulture-detstva