Educational-methodical seminar “Methodological basics of scientific economical researches”

On 11-th June 2018 the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines conducted te seminar on the theme: “Methodological basics of scientific economical researches”. This seminar was organized in order to activate the teaching staff of the Department on publishing the results of the researches in the journals according to the list of the MES ККСОН and also in the journals with a high impact-factor.

D.Ec.Sc. Professor Sembiyeva L.M.made a report in which she represented the methods of the researching activity, the ways of substantiating the hypothesis, significant functions of the theory of economical investigations.Professor Sembiyeva L.M. explained the demands to the construction of the tables and graphs, the experimental part of the research, bibliography in detail. The teachers took an active part at the seminar, asked questions about the manuscripts in English, the volume of the work, annotations in the article, methods of statistical processing, the results of the researches, etc. We think that this seminar will be the starting platform for increasing the number of publications in the journals of the MES of RK nd also in the journals with a high index of citing.