First-year Students Initiation Ceremony

On 8 November 2019 in the concert hall of Zhastar Palace there was held an official ceremony of Initiating the first year students to the students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute.

The Vice Rector on scientific and educational work Professor K.A. Akhmetov made a congratulation speech and wished the first-year students to achieve the highest success in their studies and to make their ideas come true, to get excellent marks. Kadyr Abilzhanovich awarded Diplomas for prize places on the results of the Republican competition of the students’ research works of the students of higher educational establishments organized by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Diploma of the 2-nd degree was awarded to:

Kosylbekova Akmaral – the student of specialty 5В011700 – “Kazakh language and Literature”. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor Daurenbekova Laura Nogaibekkyzy;

Aubakirova Aigerim – the student of specialty 5В011900- “Foreign language: two foreign languages”. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Philological science, Professor Zagatova Saule Bazylovna.

Diploma of the 3-rd degree was awarded to:

Torebay Guldana — the student of specialty 5В011700 – “Kazakh language and Literature”. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of pedagogical science, Associate Professor Shormakova Aizhhan Botanovna.

Thanksgiving Letter was awarded to:

Sailau Aidana – the student of specialty 5В011700 – “Kazkh language and Literature”. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Philological science, Associate Professor Daurenbekova Laura Nogaibekkyzy.

According to the tradition the students of the first course listened to the instructions of the graduate course students and swore an oath. The Institute Dean Candidate of Philological science, Associate Professor K.A. Mamadil awarded them with a key to knowledge and the student identity card.

The second part of the concert program was devoted to musical, dancing and poetical congratulations from the Committee on the Youth Affairs of EAGI: show presenters, singers, the dancing collective “Ayala”, ensemble “Tomiris”, the poetic club “Akku”, the studio of modern dances and others.

The students of the Kazakh national university of art, the vocal-instrumental ensemble “Mura” congratulated the EAGI freshmen.

We congratulate our young people on their official initiating to students and wish them health and warm human communication, happiness, good spirit, creative success, energy and optimism, love for labor, full social and cultural and scientific life!