Distance education on ZOOM platform

On 23-rd April there was held an on-line-seminar on the theme: “Distance education on ZOOM platform”, organized by the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology of EAGI. S.B. Zagatova, the moderator, Director of the Department on academic issues and accreditation marked that at present in the conditions of the distance education the teachers use different forms (video-lessons, independent work, on-line courses, etc) in their work on the basis of accessible informative-communicative technologies (WhatsApp and Telegram, Zoom, Moodle, Skype, e-mail, etc.).

In the work of the on-line seminar there took part the Head of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology, the C.Ph.Sc., Docent L.N. Daurenbekova on the theme: “Methods of teaching the Kazakh Literature on Zoom platform” and the C.Ph.Sc., Docent Zh.D. Malikova on the theme: “Peculiarities of working on ZOOM platform in teaching the Russian Language”.

In the course of the on-line seminar the First Vice-Rector A.D. Issmayilov and the Vice-Rector on educational and scientific work K.A. Akhmetov set a number of urgent issues connected with the forthcoming final session and final state attestation.