At the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held drawing of the Rector’s Grant on the on-line mode.

On 25-th August 2020 at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held A FINAL STAGE OF DRAWING OF THE RECTOR’ GRANT. The drawing was organized by the administrator of the net of communities on preparation for the ENT Yayichnikova K.I.

According to the rules, to the final stage of drawing there were admitted the participants of the on-line-Olympiad on the results of which there were defined the candidates who had the most points.

On the results of this stage the following winners were declared:

1. Grant holder for free education – Abdibekova Gulim Batyrgaliyevna (Educational program 6B04108 – “Business and Management” (Finance).

2. Grant holder for education with 50% discount in payment – Tuleghenova Dinaz Asylhanovna (Educational program 6B01704 – “Training of teachers in languages and literature” (Foreign language: two foreign languages).

3. Grant holder for education with 25% discount in payment – Kulumbayeva Mereyim Nurgalykyzy (Educational program 6B01701 – “Training of teachers in languages and literature” (The Kazakh Language and Literature).

4. Grant holder for education with 25% discount in payment – Zhumagulova Karakoz Zhenisbekkyzy (Educational program 6B01704 – “Training of teachers in languages and literature” (Foreign language: two foreign languages).