«Опасность интернет ресурсов, пропагандирующих экстремизм и терроризм» онлайн кураторский час

On 23 October 2020 the curator of group ЮК-20-01, the senior teacher of the Department of the Law Disciplines, MLSc. Tortayeva A.E. conducted the curator’s hour with the students of the 1-st course of the educational program “Jurisprudence” on the theme:”Danger of the Internet Resources, propagandizing extremism and terrorism”. The aim of the event was to explain the terms: “extremism”, “terrorism”, “radicalism” to the students and also to inform them about the legal basics of fighting against terrorism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The students were shown video clips about terrorism and extremism and they were acquainted with article 273 of the Criminal Code of RK”Knowingly False Information about the act of terrorism”. The exchange of opinions took place.