A drawing of the Rector’s grant was held online at the Eurasian Humanities Institute

On August 25, 2021, the FINAL STAGE OF THE EAGI RECTOR GRANT DRAWING took place online at the Eurasian Humanities Institute. The drawing was conducted by the community administrator in preparation for the UNT Yayichnikova K.I.

According to the rules, participants of the online Olympiad were admitted to the final stage of the drawing, according to the results of which the applicants with the highest number of points were determined.

Following the results of this stage, the following winners were determined.

1. The holder of the grant for free education – Zhilkenova Adina Ablayevna (educational program 6В02307 – “Translation”).

2. Winner of a grant for training with a 50% discount in payment – Bernhard Alina Igorevna (educational program 6В02307 – “Translation Studies”).

3. The holder of a grant for training with a 25% discount in payment – Sultanova Sabina Talgatovna (educational program 6В01606 – “History”

We congratulate the winners!,