The Swan poetry of M. Makatayev

On 9 February, 2016 at the National academic library of the Repub lic of Kazakhstan there was held the event “The Poetry born the swan wings” devoted to the 85-th anniversary of the oustanding poet, the son of Khantenghry Mukagaly Makatayev. The party was in two parts. The first half was devoted to the poetry of M.Makatayev, the second one – to the meeting with the spiritual follower of the poet, twice the laureate of M.Makatayev prize – Zhursin Yerman. The people present at the party, the poet’s friends- Nesipbek Aituly, Sauytbek Abdrahmanov, Namazaly Omashuly shared the remembrances, and the owner of the silver voice, the singer Gulmira Sarina sang the songs.

The present students of groups: КЯЛ-15-01, КЯЛ-15-02, КЯЛ-3-14 и КЯЛ-3-15 together with their curator, Master of pedagogics Ye. Zhuparhan enjoyed the meeting with the beautiful poetry very much.