EAGI held a meeting with participation of the curators of the academic groups on the issues of anti-corruption education

On 2 March, 2016 at the Eurasian Humanities Institute was held the meeting devoted to discussion of the issues on counteraction and prevention of corruption in educational institutions.

At the meeting were: Prorector on educational and scientific work of K.A. Akhmetov, Prorector on educational work Ya.N. Ospanova and Deputy head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the Eurasian Humanities Institute K.S. Kaldybayev.

At the meeting for the curators of the groups were given clarification of the Law “On combating corruption” entered into force on 1 January, 2016. This Law regulates social relations in the sphere of fighting corruption and is aimed at implementing anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the formation of anticorruption culture by complex means of educational, information and organizational nature.