In EAGI was held the final dance project “Dance for health!”

Within three weeks the students of our Institute in the framework of the project “Dance for health!” have mastered various dance styles. The project started on the initiative of the Eurasian Humanities Institute and the Department on fight against drug trafficking of the Department of Internal Affairs of Astana

On 12 February was held the final of the dance project “Dance for health!” in the nominations “Folk dance” and “Modern dance”. At the event with a welcoming speech were the head of the office of the Department on fight against drug trafficking of the DIA of Astana, Police Lieutenant Colonel Ilyinykh S.S., Prorector on educational work of EAGI, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Docent Ospanova Ya.N. and the Head of the KDM Tyrnakhan Nurgul. The competition was opened by the team of students-choreographers with their incendiary flash mob.

Dance has been evaluated by the famous and experienced artists:

Kaissarova Gulnur Sovetkhankyzy— an artist of the ballet “Astana Opera”, the diploma winner of the International competition “Orleu” and the international competition “Shabyt”;

Zhakenov Dauren — a crump engine of Central Asia, the multiple winner of the international and Republican dance events. The twice winner of annual dance ceremony FunkyTownDanceAwards in the category Best KRUMP dancer, the best dancer of the 2014 season according to “Territory of dance”, the best dancer of the year 2015, according to Internationalstreetdancesession, the nominee for the best krump dancer in the CIS;

Shalabekova Saniya — Director and the leading choreographer of the dance Studio RISE, the prize-winner and multiple winner of the dance events in the categories Dancehall, vogue, Bootydance, a member of the world team HouseofKarma,

Shamshiev Almat — a dancer of the international dance ensemble “Naz”, the laureate of the international festival “Shabyt”, the ballet master of the year 2015, the choreographer of the dance ensemble “Shattyk” at the KazATU named after S.Seifullin.

Glazkov Evgeniy — the ex-choreographer of the Studio of modern dance of EAGI, the participant of the Republican competition “All-Kazakhstan 2015”, a dancer in the style of hip-hop and popping.

Diana Khismatullina – the winner of “Dangerous battle”, the finalist of Upgrade 2014-2015, the winner of the contest “Battle of Olympus 2015”, the best dancer of Kazakhstan in the style of waacking.

According to the results of the dance project “Dance for health” the 1 place was won by the team of the Department of Foreign Languages, the 2nd place was won by the team of the Department of Pedagogy, and the 3rd place was won by the team of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Disciplines. Also the team of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Philology was nominated with the diploma in the category “Best contemporary dance”, and the team of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines in the nomination “Discovery of the year”.

In the opinion of the students this project allowed them to fulfill themselves, to marvel at the diversity of their capabilities and their peers’ talents, and also helped form the Institute team to participate in the city project “Dance for health!” among the higher education institutions of Astana city.

The dance groups of EAGI gave the audience a great show, a beautiful holiday and left a vivid impression in their memory.