First-year students of EAGI were told about programs of the academic mobility

The meeting of first-year students with the master of pedagogical sciences Sandybaeva A. T., who is the coordinator of the academic mobility and international backgrounds of the Euroasian Humanities Institute took place on September 3, 2016.

Students learned about the realization of the academic mobility`s programs, their features and differences, and also opportunities which the institute can provide for students from a performance of Aygul Talgatovna.

Students showed the interest in such questions like conditions of participation in programs of the academic mobility, the requirement to candidates in respect of knowledge of language, a possibility of participation in programs of domestic and foreign partner higher education institutions. The meeting was fruitfully and briskly, different questions were set and discussed.

According to organizers of a meeting, the academic mobility opens big prospects for participants of the academic exchanges, and the similar presentations increase motivation of students to training and stir up research activity.
