Excursion to the National Museum devoted to the 25-th anniversary of Independence of RK

On 21 September 2016 the 2-nd year students of EAGI on the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology” together with the curator A.T. Ayazbayev visited the National Museum and took part at the excursion devoted to the 25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The students who had visited the National Museum for the first time, were impressed by the beautiful funds, unique expositions and the equipment of the museum corresponding to the world standards: a curved screen, media-poll, a dynamic miniature of the central part of Astana-city, media screens, holograms, a multi-media guide presenting the information in three languages. During the excursion the students became the participants of the show-programme, at which the foreign guests were present.

Visiting the museum made a great esthetic and cultural-informative impact on the students, and communication with the foreigners became a good motivation for the intensive study of foreign languages.

Familiarization with the National museum, a modern intellectual institution of culture, is an important event not only for the EAGI students, but also for any citizen of the country because only here our unique last and the potential of the future are joined together.