The EAGI students attended the concert «Ұлы дала Ұлысым!»

On 24 September 2016 at the Palace of Peace and Accord there was given the gala-concert of the creative collectives of the Zhambyl oblast:«Ұлы дала Ұлысым!», devoted to the 25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This concert became the final event within the frameworks of the Days of Culture of the Zhambyl oblast in Astana. The programme of the Gala-concert included the theatrical performances of the leading actors of the Zhambyl oblast, bright dances attracting the spectators by picturesque costumes and professional choreography. Besides, for the excited audience there was represented folk and contemporary musical works which were performed greatly by the oblast orchestra, different musical collectives and the singers.

The students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute took part at this event, enjoyed it greatly. For many students the attracting moment of the party was meeting with the golden prize-winner of the Para-Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro – Zulfiya Gabidullina.

Student of the 2nd course 
Of specialty “Kazakh and Literature”
Daut Aiym