«Contemporary issues of Humanities and social sciences»


Info message

On 9 December 2016 the Eurasian Humanities Institute will conduct the International-practical conference: ”Contemporary issues of Humanities and social sciences“, devoted to the 25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstran.

The goals of the conference are generalization of the experience, marking the perspective directions of development and transformation of the humanitarian education in modern conditions.

Scientific directions of the conference:

  • Pedagogy and Psychology.
  • Social and Humanities sciences: history, sociology, philosophy, social work, ecology, valeology.
  • The Kazakh and Russian Philology.
  • Foreign Philology and Translation Studies.
  • Law.
  • Economy and Finance.

By the beginning of the conference there will be edited the collection of its materials.

For publication the materials of the conference it is necessary to send the application form for participation and the text of the report. The registration payment (for covering the organizational and editing expenses) is 4,000 tenge.

The order of preparing the documents.

The text must be printed in MicrosoftOfficeWord 2003. For the reports – printing type: TimesNewRoman, type size 14, 1.5 interval. The volume of the text till 5 full pages on the lists of the format: А4. Margins: left – 3 сm, upper, bottom and right – 2 cm.

  • In the left upper part of the page – Surname, name of the author in small lettersв, academic degree, title; lower – the town, the name of the institution in which the work had been done;
  • In the centre: the name of the article in capital letters, then the text follows;
  • References on the literary sources are given in the end of the article;
  • We request to send the text of the article in the electronic variant. The file must be sent by e-mail or on the CD disk and in one paper copy );
  • Materials represented later than at the appointed time or prepared not according to the requirements are not considered and are not returned; the organizational committee has the right to select the articles;
  • The text must be edited, read by the author and signed on the last page.

We request to send the materials on the address:

4 Zhumabayev Prospect, Astana city, the Eurasian Humanities Institute
Executive secretary of the organizational commission of the conference
Amanzholova Dzhemma Bolatovna
Tel.:/fax 8 (7172) 56-19-33, mob. 8 775 94 94 94 0
e-mail: konf.eagi2016@gmail.com

In the application form there should be pointed out the surname, first name of the participant, his/her place of work, scientific and academic degree, name of the section, the theme of the report, contact telephones, e-mail.

Registration fee account: ИИК KZ39998BTB0000006853
АО «Цеснабанк» г.Астана, БИН 990140001808, БИК TSES KZ KA,
РНН 620200000084, КБЕ 17, Code: 859