The EAGI teachers and students attended the ceremony of awarding the winners of the national competition: «Мерейлi отбасы»

On 10 September 2016the EAGI teachers and students attended the ceremony of awarding the winners of the national competition: «Мерейлi отбасы», timed to the Day of a Family in Astana with the participation of the state secretary of RK Gulshara Abdykalikova.

Opening the event the State secretary made a greeting speech for the participants of the ceremony on behalf of the President of Kazakhstan.

She said, «Each family makes an invaluable contribution in the strengthening of our state on the way to achieve the main goal – to create the Nation of the United Future: Мәңгілік Ел. Only having strong family values the country will be sustainable and inviolable. On this festive day I want to tell the gratitude words to all families in which kind relations, good traditions and mutual respect exist”.

Within the framework of the official event the State secretary gave the Reward, Diploma and Certificate with the sum of 300 thousand tenge (for buying the everyday technique) to the families participating at the final competition.

On the results of the final tour of the competition (sms/internet poll), held in the period from 2 till 9 September there was defined the family-winner. The prize –winner of the National competition: «Мерейлі отбасы» in 2016 was the family of Nuskabayev from the Aktobe oblast. The head of the family is the veteran of the Great Patriotic War. He worked in a village school for 46 years. Nuskabayev husband and wife live together for 72 years, they have 10 children, 30 grandchildren, 22 grand-grand children. The children and grandchildren work successfully in different branches of economy of the country.

G. Abdykalikova triumphantly handed the family-winner the memorable statuette and the key from the micro-bus.

At the rewarding ceremony the students supported the participants of the competition. The family stories touched the hearts of the audience. The ceremony of rewarding ended with the concert of the artists of Kazakhstani variety.