Getting acquainted with EAGI

On 2-3 September 2016 in the Conference Hall of the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held a meeting of the leadership of the Institute with the students of the first course. The main goal of such meeting was the acquaintance of the freshmen with the Institute administration, curators of the groups, leaders of the student self-government and

also with the rules of internal order, the EAGI Charter, the Code of Honor of a student of a higher educational establishment and the rules of the organization of the educational process on the credit technology of training. Еру The Day of Knowledge began with the greeting words of the Institute Rector, Academician A.K. Kussayinov who congratulated the freshmen on the beginning of a new student life, told about the history and achievements of the Institute, wished success in studies and called for the students to be responsible for their education, to be active and initiative for the prosperity of our Institute.

Then the floor was taken by the first Prorector of the Institute, the Candidate of Psychological Science, Professor A.D. Issmayilov who addressed the students a farewell speech. He made a special emphasis on the peculiarities of arranging the educational process in EAGI in which all conditions are created for the students to get a qualitative education which will further help them be competitive in their professional fields.

The freshmen were greeted by the Prorector on educational and scientific work, DHSc., Professor K.A. Akhmetov, the Prorector on educational work, CPSc., Docent Ya.N. Ospanova, the Dean of the Institute, CPh.Sc., Docent K.A.Mamadil who spoke about the basic regulations of the educational work in EAGI.

In the course of the meeting the students asked questions and exchanged their opinions. The students were also greeted by the Leader of psychological service DPs.Sc., Professor T.A. Abdrashitova, the Leader of the pess-centre Zh. Kamzina. The Chairperson of the CYA N. Tyrnyhan, the leaders of the Committee on the Youth Affairs, the volunteers of the Department of Pedagogy told about their activity and conducted some interesting collective trainings with the participants of the meeting.

With all our heart and soul we wish all the first-year students success in studies, new achievements and good luck in all undertakings!