Award ceremony of certificates for educational grants.

On September 16, 2022, the rector of EAGI, Professor A. D. Issmailov and students of the institute took part in the ceremony of presenting certificates to school graduates for studying at the universities of the capital by the akim of the city of Nur-Sultan Kulginov A. S.. The following students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute received educational grants:

  1. Abdurakhmonova Zarnigor (educational program “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”)
  2. Auelbek Sabina Bakytzhankyzy (educational program “Kazakh language and literature”)
  3. Bugenbayeva Nuray Yerlankyzy (educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages”)
  4. Kanatkyzy Zhanel (educational program “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”)