
Research projects on the specialty: “Pedagogy and methods of Primary Teaching”: village as the object of SRSW

The second-year students of the educational programme: “Pedagogy and methods of Primary Teaching” Irina Kassap and Valentina Snegursky started realizing their research projects on the…


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Congratulation, Temirlan Yergaziyev!

The American University in Central Asia under the support of the USA Embassy in the Kyrghiz Republic within the project: Youth Council C5+1 conducted the…

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Discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev

Discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev on the issues of the redistribution of the powers among the…


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Gratitude for academic mobility

Having returned after the semester training on the programme of academic mobility the student of the group ИЯК-15-02 Tavildiyeva Assyl expressed her gratitude to the…


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Initiation of the programme of academic mobility on the specialty: “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Teaching”

The students of the second course of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Teaching” Akimish Dina and Yesinbekova Mulkarat are being taught on the…


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Discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of redistribution of powers among the administration branches

On 31 January 2017 Docent of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology of the Eurasian Humanities Institute G.Ye. Abylova conducted the ‘round table’…


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Productive Practice

Since 9 January 2017 the students of the specialty: “Pedagogy and Psychology (groups ППСК-4-3, ППСК-4-4) have been undertaking the teaching practice under the supervision of…


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The first blaze of the World Winter Universiade was lit on 25 January in Astana

On 25 January there was lit the first Torch of the 28-th World Winter Universiade -2017 in Astana. The students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute…


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Participation in the talk-show “Let us talk”

On 24 January 2017 the senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy Pahrutdinova Zhanat Ibadullayevna took part in the talk-show: “Let us talk’ as a…

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Профилактика деструктивных религиозных течений

Остерегайтесь деструктивных религиозных течений! Деструктивные религиозные течения представляют угрозу общественной безопасности, институту брака и семьи, физическому и психическому здоровью человека. Их приверженцы: отрицают национальные ценности,…


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