
The Library of the Nation Leader

On 28 November 2016 the students of the 2-nd course of the specialty: “ The Kazakh language and Literature” and the teachers of the Department…


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10 years of the Programme «Мен қазақпын!»

On 28 November 2016 the radio “Astana” held the festive event: «Мәңгілік ел – ұлт мұраты» at the Palace «Тілеп Қобыз» in honor of the…

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Trilingual education: the national and international experience

On 23-24 November 2016 in Astana there was held an International scientific-practical conference: “Trilingual education: the national and international experience” organized by the JSC “Informational-analytical…


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The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About social councils” has been discussed.

On 24 November 2016the Department of Pedagogy conducted the expanded curator’s hour on the issues of anti-corruption policy in Kazakhstanг.The normative –legal base of introducing…


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Astana is the symbol of the independence of Kazakhstan

On 12 November 2016 the Department of the state and legal disciplines organized the round table on the theme:”Astana is the symbol of the independent…


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Competition «Қазақ қызы» held in Astana for the first time

On 14 November 2016 the competition «Қазақ қызы» was held at the S. Seifullin Agro-technical University in Astana city Before the final competition there was…


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“The Youth Practice” programme for graduates

On 16 November 2016 the representatives of “The Centre of Employment” of Astana city Akimat organized the meeting with the students of the graduate courses…


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EAGI held the event timed to the Day of National Currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On 15 November 2016 the students of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Disciplines held the event timed to the Day of National Currency of…


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Video conference on counter action against corruption in the sphere of education

On 10 November 2016 Prorector on educational work of the Eurasian Humanities Institute Ya. N. Ospanova took part at the video conference on the theme:…


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Seminar on struggling against corruption

In November of the current year at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held a seminar: “Struggle against corruption” with the participation of the students…


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