
Parting concert “ Oskar –EAGI -2016”

On 24 May 2016 the students of the Department of Pedagogy presented the teachers and employees of the Dean’s office with the concert devoted to…


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The EAGI student took the first prize in the international competition on the knowledge of the Chinese language

The collective of the Eurasian Humanities Institute congratulates the student of the group: ИЯ-4-9 Baibatyrova Ainur on her victory at the World International 15-th Competition:…


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The EAGI student became the silver medal prize winner of the “ASIAN SINGLE DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP 2016”

We congratulate the student of the first course of the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” Tleuberghenov Yeldan and his partner on dances Bogash Yana on taking…


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Professor of EAGI took part in the work of the round table on discussing “The Plan of Nations – 100 concrete steps on realizing the five institutional reforms”

On 28 April  2016 in Ppo “Camgau” of the branch “Birlik” of the party “Nur Otan” there was held the round table devoted to the…

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A solemn event devoted to the Victory Day took place in EAGI

On April 29 of 2016 a solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the 71 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was…


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An extended meeting of the Academic Council with the participation of student activists

On May 5 an extended meeting of the Academic Council with the participation of student activists took place in EAGI. In accordance with the agenda,…

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KVN teams of EAGI showed their creative works

On April 28 of 2016 an event among KVN teams took place at the Eurasian Humanities Institute. Teams from different faculties took part in a…

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The participants of English speaking club held its final meeting

On April 21 of 2016 the final meeting of English conversation club was held at EAGI in the form of a seminar with the participation…


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A Week of foreign languages was held in EAGI

From 18.04.16 to 26.04.16 a “Week of foreign languages” was conducted at the Department of Foreign Languages. Three nominations were announced for the competition program:…


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The Department of Pedagogy announced the results of the pedagogical training on the workplace

A conference on the results of the pedagogical training on the workplace of 4-year students of the specialties “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “History”, ” Pedagogy and…

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