
Solemn Initiation of freshmen into students of the EAGI

On October 27, 2023, festive event dedicated to the solemn ceremony of Initiating freshmen as students of the EAGI was held. According to a long-established…


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Meeting with a graduate of the Department of Foreign Languages

On October 27, 2023, meeting was held between 1st and 4th year students with a 2022 graduate of the Department of Foreign Languages, Alina Shakhmanova,…

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Training “Communication and adaptation: talking about ourselves and our abilities” was held.

On October 26, 2023, as part of inclusive education and psychological support for students, the training “Communication and adaptation: talking about ourselves and our abilities”…


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The Meeting with EAGI students on the topic of preventing corruption

On October 13, 2023, the information and explanatory meeting of students on the prevention of corruption was organized at the EAGI with Ospanov A.K. the…


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The Volleyball tournament  “EAGI – Territory of Health”

 On October 12-13, 2023, the EAGI Sports Club, the Sports and Healthy Lifestyle Faction of the EAGI Student Parliament, the EAGI Youth Affairs Committee, together…

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Consistent development of practice-oriented approaches in training future lawyers

On October 12, 2023, Docent of the Department of Legal Disciplines Drokin Yu.N. and senior teacher Salienko V.V. on the basis of the Memorandum of…


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Prevention of crime, internet fraud, bullying and drug addiction among students

On October 11, 2023, at the EAGI the meeting of students was held with representatives of the Almaty District Police Department and the Almaty District…


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The debate tournament was held at the A.K. Kussyinov Eurasian Humanities Institute

On October 10, 2023, the debate tournament was held in the British format of parliamentary debates, in which teams of educational programs of the EAGI…


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International competition for young translators

Students of the Department of Foreign Languages Kunanbaeva A. (4th year, educational program “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”) and Kartaeva M. (3rd year, educational program…

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“Strong Advocacy is the Support of the Rule of Law.”

On October 6, 2023, Docent of the Department of Legal Disciplines N.E. Kalbaev took part in the VII Kazakhstan Forum of Lawyers “Strong Advocacy is…


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