
Awarding the winners of the competition of student scientific works on the topic of interethnic harmony

The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the city of Astana, in order to involve young students in ethno-political processes, organized a competition of…


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Student’s Day at EAGI

On December 2, 2022, the holiday was celebrated within the walls of the Eurasian Humanities Institute – Students’ Day. According to tradition, the concert program…


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“EAGI – Territory of Health”: basketball tournament

On December 2, 2022, the EAGI Sports Club, the Sports and Healthy Lifestyle Faction of the EAGI Student Parliament, the Committee on Youth Affairs, together…

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Сuratorial hour in the fight against corruption

On December 1, 2022, within the framework of the international fight against corruption, senior lecturer of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Disciplines, curator Kozhakhmetova…


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International Online Olympiad “Finance of Modernity 360”

On November 30, 2022, students of the educational program “Finance” took part in the international online olympiad “Finance of Modernity 3600”, dedicated to the National…


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Curatorial hour dedicated to the formation of anti-corruption education among young people

On November 30, 2022 within the framework of the International Anti-Corruption Day, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Disciplines, curator Dauletkhanova Zh.D….

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Curatorial hour dedicated to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On November 30, 2022, the curatorial hour dedicated to the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the academic group PD-19-01 (educational program…

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EAGI held chess tournament

On November 30, 2022, chess tournament was held at the Eurasian Humanities Institute, together with the Department for Combating Drug Crime of the Astana Police…

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Curatorial hour “Session without stress!”

On November 29, 2022, the curator of the academic group AI-22-01 (educational program “Translation major”), senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages Kadrina B….


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Intellectual game “Youth against corruption”

On November 24-25, 2022, the Committee on Youth Affairs, the Student Parliament and the student anti-corruption club “Sanaly Urpak” of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, together…


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