
Dear employees, teachers and students!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Nauryz holiday! The Spring Festival marks the renewal of life! We sincerely congratulate everyone on this wonderful day!…


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Wall newspaper competition dedicated to Nauryz

On March 15, 2024, a wall newspaper competition dedicated to Nauryz was held at the EAGI. The jury members carefully reviewed and evaluated the works…


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Miss EAGI – 2024

On March 15, 2024 the Miss EAGI competition took part  at the EAGI. According to the results of the Miss EAGI – 2024 competition, Siynbay…

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EAGI held a fire safety exercise

On March 15, 2024, a tactical and special fire safety exercise was held at the EAGI. The purpose of the event was developing the skills…

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“Training of qualified specialists in religious issues”

On March 11-12, 2024, the vice-rector for educational work, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Ya. N. Ospanova and the head of the psychological service A….


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Students on practice

From January 15 to March 20, 2024, 4th year students of the educational program “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” (academic group ShT-20-01) undergo practical training…


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Happy International Women’s Day!

Dear women, dear employees and students of the institute! Please accept our sincere congratulations on International Women’s Day on March 8! On this bright spring…


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Curatorial hour on the topic: “Formation of an anti-corruption culture in society”

On March 5, 2024 curator Tobagabylova I.A. conducted a curatorial hour for 1-2 year students of the educational program 6B01303 – “Pedagogy and methods of…


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Lesson on the discipline “Basic foreign language”

On March 4, 2024, senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages Sarsenova A.M. conducted a lesson on the topic: “Cuisines of the world” in…


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International seminar-meeting with students on the topic: «Жастар қуаты-табысты келешекке бір қадам»

On March 1 – 2, 2024, the vice-rector for educational work, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Ospanova Y. N. and the chairman of the CSA…


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