
The Student Parliament meeting

On November 25, 2022, the meeting of the Student Parliament was held, where proposals for changing its composition were discussed. As a result of the…


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Psychological training

On November 25, 2022, the psychologist of the Eurasian Humanities Institute Kabyl A.N. held training on the topic: “Relaxation” for students of 1-4 courses. The…

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Curator’s hour on the topic: “Let’s successfully pass the first session!”

On November 25, 2022 curator Tobagabylova I.A. held the curatorial hour on the topic: “Let’s successfully pass the first session!” for 1st year students of…

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We continue cooperation with the Korean Cultural Center

On November 24 and 25, 2022, teachers and students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, in the framework of cooperation with the Korean Cultural Center, attended…

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Open lesson “Genres of scientific style”

On November 24, 2022, Docent of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences N.K. Kazhkenova held  open lesson with students of…


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Our Favorite Mentor

On November 24, 2022, meeting of students of academic groups of 1-3 courses with mentors was held within the walls of the Eurasian Humanities Institute….

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Curatorial hour on the topic “Academic honesty”

On November 24, 2022 senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh and Russian philology of the Eurasian Humanities Institute Nurbanova A.K. held curatorial hour with…

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Curatorial hour “Exams without stress”

On November 23, 2022, before winter examination session, curatorial hour was held in the academic group PDT-21-01 on the topic: “Exams without stress”. The curator…


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Congratulations to the Candidate of Law, Docent of the Department of Legal Disciplines Kalbaev Nuraden Yelemesovich with the medal «For contribution to the development of…


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Training on the topic: “Building a tower”

On November 20, 2022, the head of the EAGI psychological service, Kabyl A.N. and students – volunteers of the club “Asyl zhurek” Tursynkhan U., Kanatkyzy…


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