
Teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages carry out career guidance

On February 15-16, 2022, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages met with graduates of KGU “Secondary School №2 named after Toleu Shakhanov” and “School-Lyceum…


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Goethe-Institut Kasachstan online seminar for teachers of German language.

On February 4, 2022 Doctor of Philosophy, docent of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​Zh.T. Ospanova took part in online seminar for teachers of German…


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Warm feedback from pupils of the gymnasium №87 named after. A. Kunanbayeva about student interns

On February 4, 2022, the educational practice of the 2nd year students of the educational program “Foreign language: two foreign languages” ended. Students of the…

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Training courses

From January 5 to February 3, 2022, teachers and administrative and managerial staff of the Eurasian Humanities Institute took part in advanced training courses on…


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Meeting of the Department of Pedagogy

On January 12, 2022, regular meeting of the Department of Pedagogy was held, at which reports for the 1st semester on the educational, methodological, research…


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Orientation practice conference for students of the educational program “Finance”

On December 27, 2021, orientation conference for students of the educational program “Finance” on the ZOOM platform was held by the Department of Economic and…


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Коллектив Евразийского гуманитарного института поздравляет директора департамента по академическим вопросам и аккредитации, к.ф.н., профессора Загатову С.Б. с награждением золотой медалью имени А. Байтурсынова Ассоциации высших…


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Коллектив Евразийского гуманитарного института поздравляет директора департамента по академическим вопросам и аккредитации, к.ф.н., профессора Загатову С.Б. с награждением золотой медалью имени А. Байтурсынова Ассоциации высших…

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Seminar-training “Psychological health of teachers”

On December 24, 2021, the psychologist of the Eurasian Humanities Institute Bolatbekova N.Zh. conducted training seminar on the topic “Psychological health of teachers”. The teachers…

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Winter school on the topic “RUO. Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities at the Community Level” organized by the ROO “National Alliance of Professional Social Workers of Kazakhstan”

On December 21-23, 2021, senior teachers of the Department of Pedagogy Turmanova Zh. E., Bolatbekova N. Zh. took part in the advanced training courses “Winter…


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