
Curator’s hour «Алғыс күні»

On 26-th February 2021 in group ИЯК-18-03 the curator Ilyasova A.K. conducted the curator’s hour on the theme: «Алғыс күні». The students of the group:…


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Curator’s hour on the theme: «Ризамын саған туған ел», devoted to Gratitude Day

On 26-th February 2021 at the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines the senior teacher, M.P.Sc. Sembayev T.M. conducted the curator’s hour on the theme:…

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Open Lesson on the theme: «ForeignTrade»

On 26-th February 2021 the teacher of the Department of foreign languages M.H. Sc. Kamzina A.B. conducted an open lesson in group ПДК-18-01 on the…

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Коворкинг Jas Otan

On 25-th February 2021the Chairperson of the Committee on the Youth Affairs Shakenova Ainur took part at the meeting held by the capital branch of…


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Gratitude Day

On 22-nd February 2021 the students of academic groups: МДт-19-01, МД-19-01, БО-19-01 (Curator: Master of Pedagogy, the senior teacher Omarova S.M.) conducted the event devoted…


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Open on-line lesson on the theme: «Learning»

On 18-th February 2021 at the Department of foreign languages in group ПД-19-01 the senior teacher Melnova K.V. conducted an open lesson on the discipline:…


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Final conference on the results of practice

On 13-th February 2021 there was held a final on-line conference devoted to the results of  the educational practice of  the third-year  students: Ияк-18-01, Ияк-18-02,…


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Meeting of «JasOtan»

On 12 February 2021 the Chairperson of the Committee on the Youth Affairs Shakenova Ainur took part at the meeting held by the capital branch…


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Teambuilding for the leaders of the Committee on the Youth Affairs

On 11-th February 2021 the Chairperson of the Committee on the Youth Affairs Shakenova Ainur conducted team building for the renewed Committee on the Youth…


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On the Agenda there is a Meeting of the Committee on the Youth Affairs

On 10-th February 2021, the first online meeting of the activists of the Committee on the Youth Affairs was held. Shakenova Ainur, the Chairperson of…


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