On 19-th March the scientific-methodical circle «Асыл қазына» organized the holiday event “Nauryz-duman” devoted to the 22-nd of March, the great Day of Ulusa together…
On 19-th March 2021 the senior teacher of the Department of law disciplines, M.L.S. Tortayeva A.E. conducted the curator’s hour “The Day of National Cuisine”…
Open Seminar «Kazakhstan in the years of the Great Patriotic War»
On 17-th March 2021within the obligatory discipline “Modern History of Kazakhstan” the C.H.Sc., Docent of the Department of Pedagogy Dzhanpeyissova M.M. conducted the open seminar…
On17-th March 2021 within the project «Қайырымды істер марафоны» the senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy Rahimzhanova G.Zh. together with group ПП-18-01 conducted the…
The round table on the theme: “About good, kindly, for good”
On 11-th March 2021 the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines conducted the round table on the theme: “About good, kindly, for good”. The aim…
Results of the IV-th International student competition of the consecutive interpretation
On 5-th March 2021there was held the Inter-regional qualifying round of the Fourth international student competition of the consecutive interpretation conducted by the faculty of…
Online meeting of the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines with the graduates of schools on career guidance work.
On 5-th March 2021 the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines organized the online meeting with the pupils of the 11-th grade of school №…