The staff of the Eurasian Humanities Institute congratulate the winners of the II-nd stage of the Republican competition of the scientific-research works of the students…
On 8 October 2020 the Head of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology, the CPh.Sc., Docent Daurenbekova L.N., the senior teachers Alimbayev A.Ye….
Discussion of the annual Message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan
On 28 September 2020 the teaching staff of the Department of economical and mathematical disciplines and the students of the educational program “Finance” conducted the…
The scientific creative club «Көкжиек» of the Kazakh national university named after Al-Faraby organized the literary cognitive party «Парасатқа тағзым», dedicated to the birthday of…
The Candidate of Philological Science, Docent Daurenbekova L.N. conducted an open seminar on the theme: «Өз отыңды өшірме..» on the ZOOM platform for the students…
Our dear EAGI students, we declare the competition of young poets! Themes: 1. “Ұстаздық еткен жалықпас…”(special theme). 2.”Poetry, менімен егіз бе едің?” (free theme). The…
On 2 October 2020 within the context of celebrating the Day of a Teacher the scientific-methodical circle «Асыл қазына» and the students of groups ПМНОк-17-01,…
Поздравляем вас с Днем учителя! В этот прекрасный праздник примите самые светлые и добрые пожелания успехов и профессионального вдохновения! Пусть источник вашей многогранной души никогда…