

We congratulate the Associated Professor of the Kazakh and Russian Philology Shormakova  Aizhan  Botanovna on being awarded the title of the Best Teacher of a…


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Open curator’s hour on the theme: “1150-th anniversary of the famous thinker Abu Nassyr Al-Faraby and the 175-th anniversary of the great poet, educator Abay Kunanbayev”

Within the framework of celebrating the 1150-th anniversary of the world famous poet, composer, philosopher, politician, educator the Department of economical and mathematical discipline conducted…


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Training Seminar

On 29th February 2020 the student of the 3-rd course of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology” Anastassiya Shendrik (gr. ППС-17-01) took part at the…

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Annual competitions among all higher educational institutions of Nur-Sultan city on “Асык ату” and “Бес асык”

On 28-th 2020 at the university of “Turan-Astana” there were held annual competitions among the higher educational institutions of Nur-Sultan city on “Асык ату” and…


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Merciful Action

On 28-th 2020 the Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Acting Professor of the Eurasian Humanities Institute Nyghimanova N.T. together with the students of group ПМНОк-18-01 rendered…

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The round table “Responsibility for counter actions connected with terrorism and extremism”

On 28–th February 2020 at the Department of juridical disciplines there was held a round table on the theme: “Responsibility for counter-actions connected with terrorism…

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«Increasing legal literacy»

On 27-th February 2020 on the initiative of the Department of Jurisdiction of Nur-Sultan city the students-volunteers of the Department of Law Disciplines attended  the…


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The 1-st of March is the Thanksgiving Day

On 27 February 2020 the students of group ПМНОК-17-01 held an open educational hour on the honor of Abay’s works devoted to the celebration of…

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There is no limit to say “thanks”

On 27 February 2020 the students of groups ЮК-17-01, ЮК-17-02 conducted an educational hour on the theme “There is no limit to say “thanks” on…

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The Open Door Day was held at the Eurasian Humanities Institute

On 27-th February 2020 the conference hall of the Eurasian Humanities Institute was filled with future applicants who came to receive detailed information about the…

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