
Seminar on the theme «Human rights»

The agency on the opposition against corruption together with the Embassy of Great Britain in Kazakhstan held a seminar on the theme “Human rights” with…


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At the meeting with the author of the State emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a famous architect Zhandarbek Malibekov

On 26 February 2020 Docent of the Department of Pedagogy of the Eurasian Humanities institute, the C.H.Sc. Uskembayev Kanat Saduakasovich together with the 3-rd year…


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«Let’s Do It Qazaq Eli!»

On 26th February on the initiative of the Department of Law Disciplines and the volunteer group of the students-lawyers the meeting with the vice-president of…

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On 26-th February 2020 the Department of the Kazakh and Russian  Philology held the competition of the scientific works on the theme: “Khissy epics in…

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On the eve of the Open Door Day

The teachers of the Department of foreign languages visited the city schools,distributed the fliers, got the pupils acquainted with the rules of entering the Institute…


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Olympiad on the discipline “Self-knowledge”

The Republican scientific-practical Centre “Daryn” organized the Olympiad on the discipline “Self-knowledge” among the schoolchildren of the 9-th-11-th grades of Nur-Sultan city aimed at spiritual-moral…

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The 175-th Jubilee of Abay

In honor of the 175-th jubilee of Abay the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy conducted the educational lesson on the theme:”Pedagogical views of Abay”…

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Guest Lecture

On 25-th February 2020 within the agreement about cooperation and partnership the specialists of the informational system “Paragraph”: manager on training Antuzhita Reghina and the…

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New approaches in the analysis of Abay heritage

The research institute “Academy of Abay”, the philological faculty, the Department of the Kazakh literature of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and school-gymnasium No….


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Round table «Ұлттық тарихтың тарланы»

On 21 February 2020 in the central city library named after M. Auezov within the «Рухани жаңғыру» there was held a round table devoted to…


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