

We congratulate Dana Kuznetsova, the student of the specialty “Finance” on taking the 2-nd prize in the competition «Елорда аруы 2019»! We wish her new…


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The EAGI International Conference

On 6 December 2019 at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held an international scientific-practical conference: “Contemporary Problems of Humanities and Social Sciences”. More than…


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About the Republican Olympiad

On 5 December 2019 the student of group ФК-17-01 Kairbek N.B. of the specialty “Finance” took part at the II –nd Republican Olympiad organized by…


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About the Day of the First President at the curator’s hour

In groups ПДС-18-01 (curator Syrenova B.A.) and ИЯК-17-02 (curator Umbeyova K.Ye.) there were conducted curator’s hours devoted to the Day of the First President of…

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Open Lesson

On 4 December 2019 the senior teacher of the EAGI Department of foreign languages Dyachenko Olga Vyacheslavovna conducted an open lesson in groupИЯС-18-01 on the…


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Republican Intellectual Game «I am a leader»

On 4 December 2019 the students of the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines took part in the Republican intellectual cognitive game “I am a…

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What? Where? When?

On 4 December 2019 Master of juridical science, the senior teacher of the Department of juridical disciplines Kanafina Gulmira Adilbekova conducted the intellectual game “…


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Republican Open Lesson «Modern Kazakhstan. Lessons of Yelbasy leadership»

On 29 November 2019 at the conference hall of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, within the framework of celebrating the Day of the First President, there…


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Visiting the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On 28 November 2019 on the eve of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan the students of the academic group…


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Conference at the International University of Kyrgyzstan

On 28 November2019 года the teacher of the Department of Pedagogy Ayazbayeva Assemgul Temirhanovna took part in the work of the International scientific-practical conference on…

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