
XII ASA Christmas Charity Bazaar

On 20 November at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held a traditional sale of lottery tickets within the framework of holding the 12-th annual…


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International Student Day

On 17 November the students all over the world celebrated their holiday – Student Day, including the students of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. This holiday…


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Activities of the club «Асыл жүрек»

On 16 November 2019 года the volunteers of the clubа «Асыл жүрек» held a training on the development of cognitive processes for the children in…


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Financiers’ Week

The Department of economic and mathematical disciplines organized “The Financiers’Week” devoted to the Day of National currency. Within the framework of the Week on 13…


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Seminar on the development of the Kaztest system

On 12-13 November 2019 in the hotel «Hilton Astana» of Nur-Sultan city there was conducted a refreshing course for the developers and experts of Kaztest…


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International Competition of Scientific Projects

On 13 November 2019 the student of the 4-th course Akpayev A.Ye. took part in the competition of the student projects “The Youth of the…

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The Performance of the Karaganda oblast theatre named after S. Seifullin

On 12 November the students of the group ИЯК-18-01 of the educational program “Foreign language : two foreign languages” enjoyed the play «Сәкеннің соңғы сапары»,…


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First-year Students Initiation Ceremony

On 8 November 2019 in the concert hall of Zhastar Palace there was held an official ceremony of Initiating the first year students to the…


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Spiritual-patriotic party «Намыс пен Рух»

On 7 November 2019 group ЮК-19-01 eogether with the curator Ibrayeva A.O. took part at the spiritual-patriotic party«Намыс пен Рух», organized in honor of the…


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Open Lesson on the theme “Kazakhstan as the subject of the international law”

The senior teacher bof the Department of legal disciplines M.L.Sc. Ibrayeva Aizhan Orynbayevna conducted an open lesson on the discipline “International public law” in groups…


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