
Training in the L.N. Gumilyov ENU

As we know, on the initiative of President of RK Nazarbayev N.A. the yearf 2019 was declared the Year of the Youth. New opportunities for…


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Youth is our country’s power

In group ПД 18-01 there was held a curator’s hour within the Year of the Youth in Kazakhstan. The students watched the video film of…


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Work on preventing measles

On 14th February at the Department of economic and mathematical disciplines there was held the explanatory work among the students of the specialty “Finnce” on…


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Doctors had preventive conversation

On 12-th February 2019 at the conference hall of the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held the students’ and the teachers’ staff meeting with the…


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Preventive action

On 12-th February at the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held an event on preventing violations with the participation of the senior inspector of the…

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Астанада Универсиада басталды

Астана қаласы әкімдігінің ресми сайты 12 ақпанда Назарбаев Университетінде ЖОО студенттері арасында дәстүрлі түрде өтіп келе жатқан Универсиаданың басталғандығы туралы хабарлады. Қалалық Универсиада жарыстарының қатысушылары…

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Meeting with Deputies of the Majilis Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On 4-th February 3019 in the conference hall Of the Eurasian Humanities Institute there was held a meeting of the deputies of the Parliament Majilis…


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About New Technologies and Methods in Pedagogy

On 24-27 January 2019 the Candidate of Sociological Science, Docent of the Department of Pedagogy Muhambetova K.A. completed the second module of training “Professional poly-model…


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Kamla Iskakova is the graduate of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology” (2016). She became the winner of the competition Start Up 2018 with her…


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Official Ceremony of Opening the Year of the Youth in Astana «Тәуелсіздіктің ұрпақтары

On 23-rd January 2019 at the conference hall of the Eurasian Humanities Institute the administration, the teaching staff and the students watched the lively videoof…


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