The Performance of the Karaganda oblast theatre named after S. Seifullin
On 12 November the students of the group ИЯК-18-01 of the educational program “Foreign language : two foreign languages” enjoyed the play «Сәкеннің соңғы сапары»,…
On 7 November 2019 group ЮК-19-01 eogether with the curator Ibrayeva A.O. took part at the spiritual-patriotic party«Намыс пен Рух», organized in honor of the…
Open Lesson on the theme “Kazakhstan as the subject of the international law”
The senior teacher bof the Department of legal disciplines M.L.Sc. Ibrayeva Aizhan Orynbayevna conducted an open lesson on the discipline “International public law” in groups…
Seminar on the theme “Optimal translation decision”
On 30 October 2019 Master of Humanities Science A.Yu. Yastrebov conducted a seminar on the theme “Optimal translation decision” in group ПД17-02. At this seminar…
On 24 October 2019 in order to form the students’ qualities such as: non-tolerance towards corruption, honesty, justice, rationality and patriotism there was held the…
Igibayeva Gaukhar, student of a 1 course of the Eurasian humanitarian institute on the educational program “Right”. Master of sport of Republic of Kazakhstan. In…
On 20 October 2019 the students of group ПМНОК-18-01went to the Theatre “Zhastar” to see the famous Shakespeare comedy “Taming of the Shrew”. Among the…
On17 October 2019 the ant-corruption club «СаналыҰрпақ» including the students of group ЮК-17-01 –Zhandos Aktayev and Keneskan Yerkebulan organizes an open discussion in groups: Ияк-18-01,…