Competition «Writers» within the framework of the Xth Republican competition in the Kazakh language «Жарқын болашақ»

On 3 March 2018 the teachers of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian Philology of the Eurasian Humanities Institute – C.P.Sc., Docent A.B. Shormakova, C.Ph.Sc., Docent L.N. Daurenbekova, M.P.Sc., senior teacher A.Ye. Alimbayev took part as the members of the jury of the competition “Writers” within the framework of the X-th Republican Olympiad in the Kazakh language«Жарқын болашақ». This event was held among the pupils of general secondary schools on the initiative of the International public fund «Білім-инновация» and was organized by the administration of the Lyceum-boarding school for the gifted girls «Білім-инновация».