Conference of the ministers of education of the Central Asia countries

On 17-18 June 2021 Vice-Rector on the educational and scientific work, Doctor of Historical Science., Professor Akhmetov K.A., Vice- Rector on the educational work, the Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Professor Ospanova Ya.N., Director of the Department on academic issues and accreditation, the Candidate of Philological Science, Professor Zagatova S.B., the Dean of the Institute, the Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Docent Kemaikina T.N., the Head of the Department of Monitoring of quality of the educational process Baildenov B.T., the coordinator on the issues of academic mobility and international relations, the Master of Philological Science Sandybayeva F.T. took part in the work of the conference of the ministers of education of the Central Asia countries “The Central-Asian space of higher education: regional cooperation, national reforms”. In the course of the plenary meeting and thematic sections of the conference there were discussed the issues of the international interaction of the universities, realization of the parameters of the Bologna process, provision of the quality of higher education, educational work, the activity of the European committee of the trade unions of education, the main trends, problems and priorities of the development of state universities. The final version of the Turkestan Declaration was discussed and approved. On the completion of the conference there were adopted the Memorandums about the creation of the Alliance of higher institutions of the countries of Central Asia, about the creation of the Central-Asian set of providing the quality of education and about the cooperation in the sphere of realizing the student initiatives.