Conference on the results of the internship

That is the end of the internship of future graduates of the Institute!

It became a good tradition to complete the internship and to hold a big conference. And this year is not the exclusion: the exchange of opinions and ideas took place, but in an unusual, modern way with video-broadcast and visual presentations of the practice reports.

For four days from 18 to 24 April the students of all the educational programs shared their discoveries, their first professional success and their first losses.

The pedagogues conducted the lessons devoted to the 175-th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, thinker and composer Abay Kunanbayev. Students- interns took an active part in organizing the distance teaching at schools.

The future lawyers selected juridical, law enforcement and other legal bodies for their practice. The choice was implemented according to the themes of their diploma works.

Financiers acquired practical skills in the financial activities of banks, enterprises. They studied different internal programs of the organizations, made analysis of the enterprises’ activity.

Pedagogues-psychologists made the conclusion that they can work in any sphere: a kindergarten, a school, a college, a sports club or a National company. They are needed everywhere, they are demanded everywhere!

And we wish our graduates of 2020 to pass the state examinations successfully and then work on their chosen specialty.