Congratuations on the victory!

The teaching staff of the Eurasian Humanities Institute congratulate the team of specialty: 5В030100 – «Jurisprudence» (Alibekova Aigherim – the student of group ЮК-14-01, Abdramanov Nursultan – the student of group ЮК-14-01, Galymzhan Nuradila – the student of group ЮК-4-17, Kalkamanov Darhan – the student of group ЮК-4-17, Tugubayev Mady – the student of group ЮК-4-17), winning the second place at the Republican subject Olympiad on specialty: 5В030100 – «Jurisprudence» among the students of higher educational institutions of the republic of Kazakhstan, which took place on 15 April 2017 on the base of the University of KazHLU.


The leader of the team: MLSc, senior teacher Gauhar Yeslyambekovna Musynova.

We wish you further success!