
On 20 February 2020 the students of groups ИЯК-17-01-02 and ИЯК-16-01-02 under the leadership of the senior teacher of the Department of foreign languages of the Eurasian Humanities Institute M.P.Sc. Koszhanova Akmaral Sagatbekovna visited the theatre and watched a sad comedy of the producer Talgat Temenov «Ақ жауын». The director of the Kazakh state academic musical- drama theatre named after K. Kuanyshbayev, an Honored Workerof Kazakhstan Askar Maemirov awarded Koszhanova Akmaral Sagatbekovna with a Letter of Gratitude for the outstanding contribution to the propaganda of theatrical art to a new generation and development of the country culture. The theatre collective wished all the best to the best spectators.