CONGRATULATIONS! The EAGI team on basketball won the 2-nd prize at the Sports and Athletic meeting

orig-basketbol-2-mesto-28-11-16The EAGI team on basketball won the 2-nd prize at the Sports and Athletic meeting among the freshmen of higher educational establishments of Astana city. The competition was dedicated to the25-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We congratulate our sportsmen:

  1. Salimzhan Е.S. (gr. ПД-16-01)
  2. Yensebayeva S.A. (gr.. ЮР-16-01)
  3. Zhenisova E.A. (gr. ПДК-16-01)
  4. Deicheva D.Yu. ( gr. ПД-16-01)
  5. Smayilova А.А. (gr. ППК-16-01)
  6. Sayan М. (gr.ПД-16-02)