The staff
Balzhanova Arnagul Kenzhebekovna
Scientific, academic degree: Master of Juridical Science
Position: Senior teacher
Education: The L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2003, on specialty: State and Municipal Management. The Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2009, specialty: Jurisprudence. In 2013 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on the specialty: 6М030100 –”Jurisprudence”.
List of scientific and methodological works :
- International Committee of the Red Cross and its affiliated companies in the face of national committees// Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. №2. – Astana , 2013. – P.260-265.
- The legal status of the International Committee of the Red Cross and its subsidiaries in the face of national committees// Bulletin KUAM. №1. – Kokshetau , 2013. – P.265-269.
- The role of integrated transport and logistics system in Kazakhstan in terms of integration// Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. No. 3. – 2015. – P.130-134.
Field of scientific research: problems of the market of securities in Kazakhstan, peculiarities of bank risks.
Professional achievements:
2014 – Certificate of participating at the seminar of participating at the seminar “Organization and planning of scientific activities “, the L.N Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2014 – Certificate of participating at the seminar of participating at the seminar “Oratory – component of professional growth», the Centre for Development of personality and psychological counseling;
2014- Certificate of participating at the seminar of participating at the seminar “Strategic Planning» URC “Grand Radian”;
2014 – Certificate of participating at the seminar of participating at the seminar «History and methodology of jurisprudence”, the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2015 – Certificate of participating at the seminar of participating at the seminar “Improvement of national human rights protection mechanisms”, the LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Economic Science
Scientific, academic title: Professor
Education: The Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, 1965, on specialty: Planning Industry. In 1975 he defended the Candidate Dissertation on the specialty: 08.00.01 – “Theory of Economics” .
Honors and rewards: The Honorary Badge “The winner of socialist competition”, the Anniversary Medals «Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздігіне 10 жыл»,«Қазақстан Республикасының Парламентіне 10 жыл», the Badge of MES of RK “Honorable Worker of Education “, the Badge “Excellence in Public Education of the Kazakh SSR”, the Badge of MES of RK “Ы.Алтынсарин”, the Badge of MES of RK “Honorable Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
List of scientific and methodological works:
- The book ” I am glad that my labor activity began in the Institute of Economics”. – Almaty, 2011.
- The book “In the memory of the teacher”. – Almaty, 2011.
- “Basics of Theory of Economics”. – Educational Aid. – Astana: NCSTI, 2015.
- The steady increase in labor productivity – the core of the modern economy// Reports of the KAE.No.1-2. – Astana, 2013.
- LIFE FOR THE PROSPERITY OF THE COUNTRY// “Қarzhy. Finance”. – Astana, 2015.
Field of research: improving the efficiency of production, the problems of labour productivity growth.
Professional achievements:2001 — Certificate of participating at the seminar of articipating at the seminar “Program Evaluation and budget development”, USAID;2003 — Certificate of participating at the seminar of articipating at the seminar “Fiscal policy and budgetary process in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1. Экономикалық теория. Оқу құралы. Өңделген екінші басылымы. «ҰМҒТСО» АҚ, Astana branch, Astana, 2017
2. Состояние и развитие человеческого капитала Казахстана // Bulletin of EAGI. – No. 4, Astana, 2018.
3. «Улучшение качества человеческого капитала – необходимый фактор роста благосостояния Казахстана». International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, EAGI, Astana, 2018.
4. Человеческий капитал и финансирование его основных компонентов // Bulletin of KazUEFiMT, No. 2, 2020. P.8.
5.Модернизация экономики Казахстана: Производительность труда. Человеческий капитал, его финансирование. Раздел в книге: “Модернизация экономики Казахстана в целях обеспечения устойчивой финансовой политики государства”, manuscript, EAGI 2020
6.Ұлы Абай өлеңдерінің жастарды білім және ғылымға тартудағы маңыздылығы, Newspaper “Zhas Urpak”, Nur-Sultan, EAGI, 2020. No. 2
7. Marat Ibraimkhanovich Zhukibai (Materials for the biobibliography of scientists of Kazakhstan), manuscript, Astana branch of JSC “ҰҒTAO”, Nur-Sultan, 2020, 90 pages.
8.Елді жаңғыртудың жаңа кезеңі, Newspaper “Zhas Urpak”, Nur-Sultan, EAGI, September 2020, No. 3
9. Ел экономикасын жаңғыртудың жаңа кезеңі, «Астана ақшамы» October 15, 2020
Professional achievements:
- 2017 – Participation in the round table «Проблемы и перспективы развития финансовой системы РК на современном этапе», (Certificate).
- 2017 – Participation in the scientific and methodological seminar, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Omsk State University. Dostoevsky T.D. Sinyavets «Методические основы научных исследований», EAGI, Astana (72 hours), (certificate).
- 2018 – Training Seminar «Инновационные методы преподавания содержания обновленной программы образования», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
- 2020 – refresher courses «Заманауи педагогикалық технологиялар». Nur-sultan, N. Nazarbayev University. (72 hours).
Kozhahmetova Assemgul Gizzatovna
Scientific, academic degree: Master of Economics
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: the Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, 2002, specialty: Basics of Economics and Law. In 2003 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 6M050600 — “Economy”. Since 2014 she has been studying at the postgraduate course at the Omsk State Institute on the specialty: 08.00.05 – “Economics and Management of National Economy (on branches and spheres of activity)
List of scientific and methodological works:
- Управление персоналом агропромышленных предприятий в период кризиса// International scientific-practical conference “Economic, tax and financial-budgetary strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage”, Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. Astana, 2016
- Управление персоналом агропромышленных предприятий в период кризиса// International scientific-practical conference “Economic, tax and financial-budgetary strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage”, Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. Astana, 2016.
- «Технология процесса формирования и использования рабочей силы», Bulletin of the Omsk State Technical University Series Economics, Omsk, No. 4, 2018
- «Теоретическая модель использования рабочей силы в АПК», Bulletin of the Omsk State Technical University Series Economics, Omsk, No. 5, 2018
- «Анализ мер государственной поддержки, по привлечению специалистов в АПК в Казахстане», International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”. Astana-2018, (Kozhakhmetova A.G., Potudanskaya V.F.).
- Уровень жизни населения последствия пандемии в Казахстане, International scientific and practical online conference “Thirty years of Independence: results and prospects”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Kokshetau: Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzakhmetov, 2021.
- 7. Әлеуметтік инновациялар: жаңа технологияларды талдау, International scientific and practical online conference “Thirty years of Independence: results and prospects”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Kokshetau: Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzakhmetov, 2021.
- Трансформация платежных услуг в Казахстане, International scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”. – Nur-Sultan: EAGI, 2021.
- Управление персоналом агропромышленных предприятий в период кризиса// International scientific-practical conference “Economic, tax and financial-budgetary strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage”, Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. Astana, 2016
Field of research: Economics and Management of National Economy.
Professional achievements:
2017 — certificate «Проблемы и перспективы развития финансовой системы Республики Казахстан на современном этапе» EAGI.
2017 — certificate «Методологические основы научных исследований», EAGI.
2017 — менеджмент высшей школы: предпринимательские возможности вуза. 72 часа. ТОО «Талант-менеджмент». Центр исследований и развития личности. г. Астана.
2017 — Has successfully completed the Springer nature training. How to use. How to publish.
2017 — Certificate of participation in the scientific and methodological seminar, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Omsk State University named after Dostoevsky T.D. Sinyavets «Методические основы научных исследований», EAGI, Astana (72 h).
2017 — Certificate for participation in the round table «Проблемы и перспективы развития финансовой системы РК на современном этапе».
2017 — «Секторально-факторная теория экономического развития стран и регионов», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2017 — «Современные проблемы гуманитарных и социальных наук», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2018 — «Критериальное оценивание в обновленной образовательной программе», Center of Pedagogical Excellence AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”.
2018 — «Инновационные методы преподавания содержания обновленной программы образования», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2018 -«Цифровизация в учебном процессе» volume of 72 hours. Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2021 – Training courses in economic statistics. Transit economy, Almaty.
2022 – Online training courses «Қаржы мен делдалдар». LP “Center for advanced training of specialists”, Nur-Sultan.
2022 – Online training courses «Менеджмент в образовании». LP “Center for advanced training of specialists”, Nur-Sultan.
2022 – Seminar-training «Инновациялық технологиялар: білім берудегі интеграция», Nur-Sultan, Nazarbayev University.
Ospanovа Akbope Sailanovna
Scientific, academic title: Docent
Education: The Tselinograd Pedagogical Institute, 1978, specialty: Mathematics.
Awards: the Badge “Pedagogue- Innovator” of the Kazakh Academy of Education, the Gratitude Letter of the Akim of Astana, the Gratitude Letter of the EAGI Rector.
List of scientific and methodological works:
- «Управление персоналом агропромышленных предприятий в период кризиса»// International scientific-practical conference “Economic, tax and financial-budgetary strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage”, Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade. Astana, 2016
- «Самостоятельная работа студента как важнейшая составляющая и основа образовательного процесса»// International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. EAGI, Astana, 2016
- «Оценивание знаний студентов в свете обновленного содержания среднего образования» International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, Astana-2018.
- «Блум таксономиясы арқылы оқушылардың ойлау қабилетің дамыту», International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, Astana-2018, (Ospanov A.S. Aitymova A.).
- «Математическая подготовка студентов в контексте будущей профессиональной деятельности» International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, December 6, 2019
- «Цифровые технологии в строительной отрасли» Digital Finance 2020 (DF2020): collection of articles of the International scientific-practical conference. Moscow, RUDN, February 7, 2020 – Moscow: RUDN, 2020. – 338 p. ISBN 978-5-209-10276-2
- «Простые и сложные проценты в экономических расчетах». International online scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020.
- «Дифференциальное исчисление в экономике». International online scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020.
- «Применение математики в экономических задачах». International online scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020.
- «Развитие мыслительных навыков в процессе обучения математике». International online scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020.
- «Бастауыш сынып математика сабағында оқушылардың білімдерін бағалау». International online scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev and the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi – Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020.
- «Перспективы развития цифровых технологии в банковской системе Республики Казахстан». International Scientific and Practical Conference “Business. Education. Economy”. State Educational Establishment Institute of Business of the Belarusian State University. Minsk. RSCI.2021.
- Влияние COVID-2019 на экономику Республики Казахстан // “Currency regulation. Currency Control” No. 11/2021, Moscow of the Russian Federation ISSN 2074–6806. RSCI.
- «Цифровая трансформация в образования в Казахстане». International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, Nur-Sultan: EAGI, 2021.
- «Мектеп жасына дейінгі балаларды математикалық дамытудың заманауи технологиялары». International scientific and practical online conference “Thirty years of Independence: results and prospects”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzakhmetov, Kokshetau, 2021.
Field of research: innovative approaches of methods of teaching mathematics.
Professional achievements:
2017 — Scientific and methodological seminar «Психологическая компетентность преподавателя вуза: понятие и структура» and «Корпоративная культура и внутренние коммуникации» (, Professor of YarGU named after P.G. Demidov V.V. Kozlov, Russia) – 72 hours, Astana, EAGI.
2017 — Scientific and methodological seminar «Методические основы научных исследований» Doctor of Economics, Professor, OGU named after Dostoevsky T.D. Sinyavets, Russia) -72 hours, Astana, EAGI
2017 — Refresher course on the topic «Менеджмент высшей школы: предпринимательские возможности вуза». 72 hours. LP “Talent-management”. Astana, Center for Research and Development of Personality.
2017 — Seminar «Институциональные преобразования в государственном аудите в контексте приоритетов модернизации 3.0.» on the basis of the communication platform “G-global”, Astana, ENU.
2017 — Seminar «Секторально-факторная теория экономического развития стран и регионов», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2017 — International scientific and practical conference «Современные проблемы гуманитарных и социальных наук», Астана, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2017 – Refresher course on the topic «Студентоцентрированное обучение, образование и оценка: принципы и технологии», Astana, Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
2018 – Refresher course on the topic «Критериальное оценивание в обновленной образовательной программе», Center of Pedagogical Excellence AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, Astana.
2018 – Refresher course on the topic «Применение технологии мышления в преподавании общественных и педагогических дисциплин», Astana premium consulting.
2018 – Refresher course on the topic «Инновационные методы преподавания содержания обновленной программы образования», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2018 – Refresher course on the topic «Преподавание по программам обновленного содержания среднего образования», KazNPU named after Abay.
2018 – Refresher course on the topic «Цифровизация в учебном процессе» объемом 72 часа. Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2019 – Seminar«Has successfully completed the official springer nature training how to use how to publish». Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2019- Eurasian Higher Education Leadership Forum 2019 «Выпускники, готовые к будущему», Nur-Sultan, Nazarbayev University.
2019 – Seminar «Антимонопольный меры и расследования как механизм пресечения монополистической деятельности развития добросовестной конкуренции» Nur-Sultan, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2020 – Refresher course on the topic «Применение математических методов при решении экономических задач» JSC “Volgograd Humanitarian Institute” of the Russian Federation, Volgograd.
2020 – Refresher course on the topic «Современные методические требования к преподаванию курса математики в вузе» Nur-Sultan, NMC ZIAT LLP.
2020 – Refresher course on the topic «Жаңартылған білім беру мазмұны аясында жоғары оқу орындарындағы заманауи педагогикалық технологиялар» Nur-Sultan, JSC “NTsPK “Orleu”.
2021 – Refresher course on the topic «Развитие цифровой компетености преподавателя высшей школы» Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Pavlodar, Institute of Additional Education”.
2022 – Seminar-training «Инновациялық технологиялар: білім берудегі интеграция», Nur-Sultan Nazarbayev University.
Sembayeva Anara Zhumabayevna
Scientific, academic degree: Master of Economics
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: The Kokshetau University of Economics, 2002, specialty: Finance and Credit. In 2015 she defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 080100.68 — “Economy”.
List of scientific and methodological works:
- Improving the problems of application of banking instruments at the present stage// “Education and modernity”, 2013.
- Formation of commercial Bank resources and their management// Bulletin of the undergraduate. No.5. – the Modern Humanities Academy. – Moscow, 2014.
- Venture financing in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan// Reports of the KAE. No.3. – 2015.
- Modern problems of Humanities and Social Science// Proceeding of the Republican conference. – – 2015.
Field of research: application of Bank instruments, problems of formation of resources of a commercial Bank
Professional achievements:
2011 — Certificate of participating at the seminar “Remote educational technology”, the Kazakh-Russian University;
2012 — Certificate of participating at the seminar “Development of professional competence of the teacher in the conditions of modernization of education system», KazUEFMT;
2013 – Certificate of participating at the seminar in “Modernization of National Economy under Globalization”, the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2014 — Certificate of participating at the seminar “Development of electronic slide lectures”, УРЦ “Grand Radians”;
2015 — Certificate of participating at the seminar “Problems of economic integration in the post-Soviet space”, the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
Baymamyrov Bolat Amangazinovich
Scientific, academic degree: Master of Economics
Education: University “Kainar”, 2001, Specialty – Economist in International Relations, Specialization – “International Monetary and Credit Relations”. Institute of Economics, Finance and International Trade T. Ryskulova Astana, 2015 Master of Economics and Business. JSC Financial Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Astana, 2016 Master of Economic Sciences
The Disciplines taught: macroeconomics, microeconomics, foreign exchange operations, international monetary and financial and credit operations, long-term banking investments, insurance.
Awards: 2011 – JSC “Financial Academy”. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the diploma was awarded for achievements in the field of continuous education of the younger generation and training of competitive specialists. Rector: S. Abdimanapov; – “Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade” Awarded for fruitful work and the best research work among students of the Kazakh University of Economics and International Trade.
List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:
2016г. — Educational and practical guide «Основы организации государственных закупок в Республике Казахстан».
including electronic textbooks:
- Theory and organization of public procurement, «Банковское дело», «Международные валютно-кредитные отношения».
- Field of scientific research: Problems and prospects for the development of the banking sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- «Причины возникновение проблем с кредитами в Казахстане и пути их решения», International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences”, Astana-2018.
- «Инструменты механизма стимулирования корпоративной социальной ответственности в системе управления деятельностью предприятия», International scientific and practical conference, «Проблемы внедрения международных стандартов аудита и учета, практика их применения в странах СНГ», Nur-Sultan, 2019, ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov.
- «Социальная инфраструктура – важнейший фактор повышения эффективности национальной экономики», Anniversary Republican scientific and practical conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and pupils “Native land – the basis of all undertakings of the young generation”, Rudny, 2019. Rudny Industrial Institute, Rudny, 2019
- Tutorial «Основы формирования и развития рынка государственных закупок в Республике Казахстан» Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2020. – 101 p.
- Развитие цифровой трансформации в глобальной экономике Глобальные проблемы модернизации национальной экономики: materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference. April 13, 2020 / ans. ed. A.A. Burmistrova [and others]; Ministry of science and higher arr. RF, FGBOU VO “Tamb. state un-t im. G.R. Derzhavin. – Tambov: Derzhavinsky Publishing House, 2020. – 624 p.
Professional achievements:
2017 — АО «Финансовая академия» Astana «Коррупция как одна из основных проблем экономик современного Казахстана», lecturer of the report “Corruption in the public procurement system”.
2017 — «Секторально-факторная теория экономического развития стран и регионов», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2017 — «Современные проблемы гуманитарных и социальных наук», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2017 — «Современные информационные технологии в сфере образования. Использование электронных изданий в учебном процессе» IPRbooks in the field of education, Russia, Moscow, IPR MEDIA LLC.
2017 — 1C enterprise 8.2, LLP “Akhbutina and K”.
2018 — «Түркі халықтарының латын әліпбиіне көшу тәжірибесі», Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2018 – «Elsiver in the training for Science Direct and Scopus solutions», Eurasian National University.
2018 -«Цифровизация в учебном процессе» 72 h. Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2018- Современные проблемы гуманитарных и социальных наук. Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute
2019- «Has successfully completed the official spriger nature training how to use how to publish». Astana, Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2019- Eurasian Higher Education Leadership Forum 2019 «Выпускники, готовые к будущему», Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
2019 –Seminar «Антимонопольный меры и расследования как механизм пресечения монополистической деятельности развития добросовестной конкуренции» Eurasian Humanities Institute.
2020- Refresher courses «Дистанционные образовательные технологии в высшем образовании» Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
2020- Refresher courses «Применение инновационных технологий в преподавании дисциплины налоги и налогообложение» LLP “NMC “ZIAT”, Nur-Sultan
2021 – Moderator of advanced training courses «Применение компьютерных технологий в дистанционном образовательном процессе» for EAGI teachers
2021 – Refresher courses «Применение инновационных технологий в преподавании дисциплины “Финансы”» LLP “NMC “ZIAT”, Nur-Sultan
2022 – Seminar «Инновациялық технологиялар: білім берудегі интеграция», Nur-Sultan Nazarbayev University.