Head of the Department of Kazakh and Russian Philology

Daurnbekova Laura Nogaibekkyzy

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Science

Academic title: Docent

Education: The Kazakh National University named after Al-Faraby,1997-2001. (baccalaureate);  2001-2003 (Master degree course). Specialty: The Kazakh language and Literature. In 2008 she defended the Candidate dissertation on specialty: 10.01.07 – «Comparative literature studies».

The disciplines taught: Theory of literature, literature studies, literature creation.


  1. Diploma for he active participation in the competition “The XXI-st century Teacher”, organized by the Association of higher educational establishments «Ұстаз» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2013);
  2. Diploma of the 1-st Degree for the victory in the language and cognitive competition «Сөз мерген»
    of the republican television-radio company “Kazakhstan” of the National television company “Kazakhstan” (2014);
  3. Diploma of the 1-st degree for winning in the nomination “Ruhaniyat” in the Republican practical conference-competition “Creative works of S.Muratbekov: his role in spiritual-cultural development of the nation, scientific-pedagogical researches” (2016)

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: general number -55, including:

  1. Сөз қазынасының кеншісі. Аударма. – Astana, 2012.
  2. Көркем аударма тәжірибесі. Textbook.– Almaty: Yeltanym, 2013.
  3. Көркем мәтін және аударма. Textbook. – Astana: «Foliant», 2015.
  4. Әдеби аудармада қолданылатын қосу, ұлғайту, қалдырылып кету, ауыстыру тәсілдері // Еуразия гуманитарлық институтының хабаршысы EAGI. ‒ 2013, № 3‒4. –P. 190‒194 ;
  5. Марк Твеннің юморлық әңгімелерінің қазақ тіліне аударылуы// Қарағанды университетінің хабаршысы. ‒ 2014, № 1(73). – P.134-139.
  6. У.Уитмен поэзиясы қазақ тілінде // Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы ұлттыұ университеттің хабаршысы. ‒ 2015, № 1(104). – P.57-62.
  7. Bilingualism and multiculturalism: from the study of foreign scientists // London. British Journal of Educational and Scientiic Studies, № 1(23), (January – June). – 2016. – № 1(23). – Р. 351-359. (Proceedings of the Journal are located in the Databases Scopus. Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 5.796)
  8. Көркем аудармадағы «еркін аударма мен «шығармашылық еркіндік» ұғымы //Терминологиялық хабаршы. – Astana. №3, 2013. – P.34-40 .
  9. Ә.Сатыбалдиевтің аудармашылық шеберлігі //Е.Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы. – №4, 2014. – 47-51 бб.

Field of scientific researches: The Kazakh literature, translation studies.

Professional achievements:

2014 — certificate about the participation in the work of the symposium “Language and literature of the Asian countries” (the report about the translation of the work of M. Auezov «Қилы заман» into the Uighur language). Turkey, Nyida University.

2014 — certificate about the participation in the work of the symposium “Translation as a means of cultures interaction”, organized by the faculty “Higher school of education” of the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov (the report “History of the translation of M. Yu. Lermontov’s works into the Kazakh language”  (together with Adayeva Ye.). Poland. Krakov.

2015 — certificate about the participation in the work of the conferenceсе «National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (the report on the theme “Peculiarities of teaching the language in the universities of Kazakhstan” (together with Adayeva Ye.).доклад на тему «Особенности обучения языку в университетах Казахстана» (совместно с Адаевой Е.). Tne Languages of America in tne 21st century»of the national organization «NCOLCIL» Wasington.

2018 — certificate about the participation in the seminar of the Center of pedagogical mastership “Nazarbayev Intellectual school”с on the theme:””Criteria programme” of 24 academic hours. Astana, January, 2018.

2018 — certificate about the participation in the work of the conferenceсе «Social and Economic Aspects of Education in Modern Society (the report on the theme:«Humorous stories by M.Twain».  Warsaw..

2018 — certificate about the participation at the XXIX-th Summer scientific school on the theme “Linguistics of the XXI-st century; challenges, new tendencies and approaches”.- The Kyrghiz state university named after I.Arabyev (72 hours).