The Department of Pedagogy
Administration of the Department
Description of the specialties
The Students’ Scientific-research Work
Address: 4 Zhumabayev Prospect, Building 2, Room 408, Astana-city,
Tel: 8 (7172) 49-95-41, 56-23-32
The Head of the Department is Nyghymanova Nurbanu Tokenқyzy, Candidate of Pedagogical Science.
The Department of Pedagogy of the Eurasian Humanities Institute with great interest is waiting for the new students that will be ready in today’s opportunities to embark on the thorny path of the Teacher of the XXI-st century on such specialties as “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “History”, “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education”, “Preschool Education and Training”.
The Department of Pedagogy is the first Department, which was opened in EAGI. During the existence of EAGI the Department has prepared more than two thousand specialists on Pedagogy for the public education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan on such specialties, as:
- “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education”;
- “Pedagogy and Psychology”;
- “History”;
- “Preschool Education and Training” (2015).
For all the years of its activities the Department has paid great attention to the formation of the staff , based on the principles of the continuity, professionalism and the implementation of new trends in the educational space.
Today the effective work of the Department is achieved through the harmonious cooperation of the teachers of the older, middle and younger generations. Over 70% of the teachers have academic degrees of Doctors and Candidates of Science and academic titles of Professors and Docents.
There is the scientific-laboratory at the Department. The laboratory activities are aimed at the research problems of the school textbooks on History subject and the development of the training manuals for students and teachers. The scientific activity of the Department of Pedagogy is centered around the integrated “Competency-based approach, the basis of preparation of textbooks of a new generation” and “Scientific and methodological support and teaching technologies in the professional training of teachers”.
Also in the framework of Psychological services of EAGI (the leader is Abdrashitova A.T., Doctor of Psychological Science) there operates an Educational laboratory of psychological diagnostics, the laboratory of applied psychology, the laboratory of self-discovery, the Centre for the psycho-pedagogical support of the inclusive education (the leader is Senior teacher, Master of Pedagogical ScienceToyshibekova M.K) the requirements of the time.
The Department carries out an active international and inter-University cooperation in the framework of agreements and contracts signed between the universities abroad and EAGI. The teachers participate in the international scientific conferences, seminars and travel on scientific trips (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Ashkhabad, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Warsaw, Berlin, etc.). Currently there were signed the contracts with the International Center of Excellence – Duesseldorf (Germany), the State University Vyatka (Russia), the Georgian National University (Tbilisi, Georgia), the Perm State University (Russia). It should be noted that a number of teachers have passed retraining courses abroad: in Germany (Düsseldorf, the International Center of Excellence), in the UK (University of Newcastle), in Russia, in Azerbaijan.
Also, it is worth noting that the teachers of the Department conduct scientific researches in the field of the Contemporary History of Kazakhstan – the culture of Kazakhstan, the industrial development in the 20-th century, the fate of the Kazakh intelligentsia, the agricultural sector in the 20-30 years of the 20-th century; actively working on the problems of deviant behaviour, social orphanhood, profiling, gender studies and human resource management; develop the pedagogical innovation of the independent work of students, formation of the psycho-educational competence of parents, etc.
The Department of Pedagogy is proud of the scientific achievements of their students, who actively participate in the national, city-wide conferences of the young scientists, as well as in the annual conference of EAGI “Science and the New Generation”. So, for example, in 2014 at the VI-th Republican student subject Olympiad in History, held in Karaganda at the E.Buketov Karaganda State University (10-11 April 2014), the student team of EAGI in the direction of “History” took the second place. In addition, in 2015, the same historians’ team “Жас Алаш” performed at the VII-th Republican student subject Olympiad in History, held in Almaty (on the basis of the ASU named after Abay), winning the diploma of the 1-st degree in the nomination of “Best research project”, and a diploma of the 1-st degree in the nomination of “the Best captain”.
A significant achievement of the research work has been the successful participation of our students in the national student research competition, held at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. In 2015 3 students of the Department won prizes: the diploma of the 1-st degree was awarded to the student of the 3-rd course of specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” Shirmanova Aknur, the diplomas of the 3-rd degree to the student of the 4th course of the specialty “History” Dzhumagalieva Sanel and the 3-rd year student of the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” Iskakova Kamila.
For many years the Department actively conducts the student scientific circle “Tарихшы”, there functions the problematic group “Urgent problems of history of Kazakhstan”, there work: the student innovation Center “Socio-psychological safety of a personality”, the student training Centre “Peer to Peer”, the volunteer club “Aсыл Жүрек”. The students of pedagogical specialties involved in the research “Urban spaces of childhood” participate in an annual teaching competition.
The Department pays great attention to the personal development of the young people. The students’ education on specialties of the Department are actively involved in the volunteer, charity and social activities. They are current coaches of the camp of the “Peace Maker”, the participants of the volunteer movement within the framework of cooperation with non-governmental organizations (NGO) “Kazakh Association of Psychologists”, work on the project the Blood Center of Astana, conduct training seminars on the formation of skills of effective communication, creative thinking. The students of the Department under the guidance of Senior teacher Zh.I.Pakhrutdinova lead the volunteer project on the problems of the social orphanhood and provide psychological support to the children raised in the orphanages of the Akmola region (Akkol and Zholymbet orphanages).
The Department of Pedagogy actively supports the work of creative student groups, clubs on interests. Therefore, in the Department operates a dance Studio for students and teachers. The students of the Department actively go in for sports, the most popular of which are volleyball and basketball.
At the Department of Pedagogy on a continuous basis there functions: the office of psychological counseling in which professional psychologists provide individual assistance to students in case they have personal problems.
Thus, the efforts of the staff of the Department of Pedagogy of the Eurasian Humanities Institute are under good conditions for the students to acquire durable knowledge, skills and abilities, useful in their future work and social life. By now, all the graduates of the Department are demanded and found themselves not only in the field of teaching, but also in the agencies of state services, private companies, etc.