Teaching Staff
Abdrashitova Tatiyana Anatolyevna
Scientific, academic degree: Doctor of Psychological Science
Scientific, academic title: Professor
Education: The Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, 1996, specialty: Pedagogy and Psychology (preschool). She defended the Candidate’s Dissertation in 2008 on specialty: 19.00.01 – “General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology, Ethnic Psychology”, in 2015 she defended the Doctor’s Dissertation on specialty: 19.00.01- “General Psychology, History of Psychology”.
Awards: the Gratitude Letter of the Ministry of Health of RK, the Honorary Diploma of the National Democratic Party “НурОтан”, the Diploma of the MES of the RK, the Silver Medal named after A.Baitursinov.
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: The total number – 50, including:
- Features persuasive impact in the change of political consciousness// 4 International Conference. – Austria, 15 May, 2015. – P. 15-22.
- Control of consciousness as a terrorist radicalization of identity technology (with co-author) // 4 International Conference. – Austria, Vienna. 15 May 2015 – P.23-30.
- The use of non-specific suggestions terrorists in web resources// XI International scientific-practical conference “Scientific Perspectives XXI century. Achievements and prospects of the new century “. – – Scientific magazine №4.
- Terrorist psychology as a trend in foreign psychology of terrorism// XI International scientific-practical conference “Scientific perspectives of the XXI century. Achievements and prospects of the new century. – Novosibirsk city. – 4 (11) / 2015, Part 3. – P.69-71.
- On the limitations of psychoanalysis to explain the nature of extremism// XII International scientific-practical conference “Modern concepts of scientific research” Eurasian Union of Scientists. Scientific journal number (14) / 2015, Part 6. – Moscow, 2015. – P.117-119.
Field of scientific researches: the psychological nature of religious and political extremism, terrorism.
Professional achievements:
2010 – Certificate of a consultant, the BUSINESS COACH, the Kazakh Association of psychologists, Almaty;
2011 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Erickson therapy and hypnosis” (200 hours), the Institute of group and family psychology and psychotherapy Moscow;
2012 – Certificate of a consultant with a professional level of training, the Kazakh association of psychologists, Astana;
2013 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Basics metaphorical psychotherapy”, the Psychological Center of Galina Timoshenko in Moscow;
2013 – Certificate of participation at the seminar of Psychology of the XXI century, the Congress, the International Academy of Psychological Science, Novosibirsk;
2014 – Certificate of passing the specialization in integrative psychology “Transpersona”, the International Academy of Psychological Science of the Institute of Integrative Psychology Professional Development.
Abylkhanova Bakyt Kyrgyzgalievna
Scientific, academic degree: Master of Philosophy
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: The Kazakh State University named after Al-Farabi, 2002, specialty: Philosophy. She defended the Master Degree Dissertation on specialty: 6M020100 – “Philosophy”.
Awards: the Honorary Diploma of the Eurasian Humanities Institute
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: the total number -7, including:
- Жалғыздықтың әлеуметтік-мәдени негіздері// Materials of II International scientific-theoretical conference “Actual problems of development of world philosophy”. – Astana, 2013. – P. 188-192.
- Жалғыздық мәселесіне феноменологиялық талдау// Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Humanitarian education in modern world: problems, searches, prospects”. – Astana, 2012. — P. 149-151.
- ХХ ғасыр философиясындағы жалғыздық мәселесі// Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. – Astana, 2012. — №3-4. — P. 94-100.
- Модернизация және жаһандану жағдайындағы жалғыздық көрінісінің ерекшеліктері// Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference. –Astana: EAGI, 2015 – P. 134-136
Field of scientific research: social philosophy, social-philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of loneliness
Professional achievements:
2011 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Religious and political extremism: regional and global aspects”, the L.N Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana;
2012 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Арабтану және исламтанудың өзекті мәселелері”, the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana;
2012 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Academic training of Islamic religion and culture”, the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana;
2013 – Research internship “Interdisciplinary Gender Studies”, The international center of education and scientific information «Interkulturelle Weiter bildungsgesellschaft e.V.», Düsseldorf, Germany;
2015 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Preparation of the report on the university self-assessment within the institutional accreditation”;
2015 – Certificate of participation at the online seminar on Thomson Reuters resources on the topics: Platform Web of Science – enhanced search capabilities. Search by company in Web of Science; Analytical tools In Sites for comparative evaluation of scientific activity, the database is the most influential scientific publications Essential Science Indicator.
Amanbayev Almat Zhumanovich
Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Historical Science
Scientific, academic title: Professor
Education: The Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, 1974, specialty: History. He defended the Candidate’s Dissertation on specialty 07.00.02 – “National history”.
Awards:The Medal “50 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR”, the Medal «Қазақстан Республикасының Қарулы күштеріне 20 жыл», the Badge of the MES of RK “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the Badge of the MES «I.Altynsarin», the Diploma of the Military Council of the Ural Military District, the Diploma of ЦК ЛКСМ of Kazakhstan.
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: the total numver – over 70, including:
- Five episodes from the life of the hero: the 100th anniversary of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly// Legendary batyr. On the centenary of the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The documents, archival materials, memoirs. – Moscow: Publishing House of the “Леном”, 2010. – P. 53-55.
- Socio-political and economic-organizational activity Baikadam Karaldin// Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute. – 2011. – № 3-4.- P. 5-15.
- Қолтаңбалар сөйлейді…// Mikhail Essenaliev. “Life of Remarkable People” series. – Almaty: Publishing House of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, 2013. – P. 336-342.
- Diplomatic Art of Abylaikhan//Collection of articles of the Scientific-practical conference “Абылай хан және қазақ мемлекеттігінің стратегиялық мүдделері”. – Astana: «Wowprint.kz», 2013. – P. 46-51.
- I. Satpayev in terms of ideological persecution of the late 40-s – early 50-s of the XXth century// Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of humanities and social science”. – Astana: EAGI, 2015. – P. 122-125.
Field of scientific research: Contemprary history of Kazakhstan, problems of formation and development of the Kazakh intelligentsia.
Professional achievements:
2011 – Certificate of participation at the international seminar on the program “Kazakhstan model of credit transfer for the ECTS type”, the Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati;
2012 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Actual problems of Sinology”, the L.N. Gumilyov National University;
2014 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Rules of publishing articles in international journals”.
Member-correspondent of the Kazakh Academy of Education
Arystanova Kulshariya Ayapbekovna
Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Biological Science
Scientific, academic title: Docent
Education: The Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov, 1965, specialty: Biology. She defended the Candidate’s Dissertation in 1984 on specialty: 03.00.04 – “Biology and Chemistry”.
Awards: The Badge “Pedagogue-researcher” of the Kazakh Academy of Education
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: the total number – 30, including:
- Environmental education as a factor of environmental development of the individual and the greening of the educational environment of modern Kazakhstan// Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference “The system of education in Kazakhstan: History and Modernity”. – Astana, 2011. (with co-author: Saghyndykova G.M.).
- Қазақстанның тұрақты даму кезеңіндегі табиғи ортаның экологиялық проблемасын шешудегі экологиялық білім берудің алатын орны// Collection of the Republican Scientific-practical conference. – Астана, 19 December, 2013.
- Environmental education in the context of sustainable development as one of the solutions to the environmental problems of the natural environment of Kazakhstan// Magazine “Ecology of Kazakhstan”. – October 2013. – №3 (022) – P. 3 (with co-author: Saghyndykova G.M.).
Field of scientific research: modern problems of enzymology
Professional achievements:
2011 – Certificate of participation at the seminar egov “e-government and e-services”, Astana;
2013 – Certificate of participation at the seminar on the system of Thomson Reuters, Astana, EAGI;
2014 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Oratory – professional development component”, Astana;
2014 – Certificate of participation Elsevier Author Seminar “How to Get Published in Scientific journals”, the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Dzhanpeissova Marzhanay Makhmetovna
Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Historical Science
Scientific, academic title: Docent
Education: the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, 1980, specialty: History. In 1990 she defended the Candidate Dissertation on specialty 07.00.02 — “National History”.
The Disciplines taught: History of Kazakhstan, Ancient and Medieval History of Kazakhstan, Contemporary History of Kazakhstan, Historiography and Source Studies of Kazakhstan, Ethnology, History of the Turkic Peoples, History and Culture of Nomad Society, Politology.
Awards: the Honorary Diploma of the MES of RK, the Badge «Ы.Алтынсарин», the Badge of the MES of RK «Honorary Worker of Education of RK».
List of scientific and scientific – methodological works: the total number – 40, including:
- History of Kazakhstan// Educational aid for teachers and students. – Astana: Center “Elite”, 2010. – 136 p.
- Қазақстан тарихы// Educational aid for teachers and students (with co-author: Aubakirova K.Sh.). – Astana: Center “Elite”, 2010. – 89 p.
- HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN PROGRAM// Curriculum for students (with co-author: V. Volkova). – Astana: EAGI. – 2012. – 86 p.
- From the history of the women’s movement of Kazakhstan: Astana: the feminine gender. Historical and cultural almanac. – Astana. – 2013.- 26 p.
- Economic policy of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan in the early 20s of the twentieth century (with co-author: Nazarova Z.Zh.)// Proceedings of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of Humanities and social science”. – Astana, 2015.
Field of scientific researches: history and culture of Kazakhs-nomads, contemporary history of Kazakhstan (the twentieth century).
Professional achievements:
2012 – Certificate of participating at the seminar on the theme: “Шығыстанудың өзекті мәселелері”, the L.N. Gumilyov ENU., Astana;
2012 – Certificate of the International competency center (Interkulturelle Weiterbildungsgesellschafte.V.) for professionals of the CIS countries. Dusseldorf, Germany;
2012 – Certificate of participating at the seminar on the theme: “Арабтану және исламтанудың өзекті мәселелері”, the L.N. Gumilyov ENU., Astana;
2013 – Certificate of participating at the seminar on the theme: “From the history of empires to Imperial paradigm”, the L.N. Gumilyov ENU., Astana;
2014 – Certificate of the MES of RK for accreditation as a subject of scientific activity (individual) No. 004058;
2015 – Certificate of participating at the seminar on the theme: “New approaches to the study of Eastern countries,” the L.N. Gumilyov ENU., Astana.
Eslyamova Aynur Zaletқyzy
Scientific, academic degree: Master of Humanities
Scientific, academic title: Senior teacher
Education: The Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, 1996, specialty: History. She defended the Master Degree Dissertation in 2013 on specialty: 07.00.02 – “National history”.
Awards: the Honorary Diploma of the Eurasian Humanities Institute
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: the total number -25, including:
- Солтүстік Қазақстанда халық ағарту ісінің қалыптасуы мен дамуы (XIX ғ. екінші жартысы мен XXғ. басы)// Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern Problems of Humanities and Social Science”. — Astana: EAGI, 2010.
- Ақмола облысындағы халықтың білім деңгейі және отарлау саясаты (XIX ғ. екінші жартысы мен XXғ. басы)// Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern Problems of Humanities and Social Science”. — Astana: EAGI, 2011.
- XIX ғ. екінші жартысы мен XX ғ. басындағы Солтүстік Қазақстанның мәдени дамуының зерттелу тарихынан// Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern Problems of Humanities and Social Science”. — Astana: EAGI, 2012.
- XIX ғ. екінші жартысы мен XX ғ. басындағы Солтүстік Қазақстан өңіріндегі мерзімді баспасөздің дамуы// Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern Problems of Humanities and Social Science”. — Astana: EAGI, 2013.
- XIX ғ. екінші жартысы мен XX ғ. басындағы Қазақстандағы жәдидшлілік қозғалыстың дамуы// Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern Problems of Humanities and Social Science”. — Astana: EAGI, 2015.
Field of scientific research: history of culture of Kazakhstan, history of education of Kazakhstan, history Jadidism
Professional achievements:
2012 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “History of Eurasia: new sources and approaches,” the L.N.Gumilyov National University;
2012 – Certificate of participation at the lecture on the theme: «Арабтану және исламтанудың өзекті мәселелері» by Adjunct Professor of the Middle East Studies Department of the Illinois University, U.S. Akram Khabibullaev, the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
2013 – Certificate of professional training at the Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoyevsky on specialty “History”.
Izakova Aizhan Tendikovna
Scientific, academic degree: Doctor of Psychological Science
Scientific, academic title: Professor
Education: The Almaty State University named after Abay, 1996, specialty: Pedagogy and Psychology. She defended the Candidate’s Dissertation in 2003 on specialty: 19.00.01 – “Educational Psychology”; in 2013 she defended the Doctor’s Dissertation on specialty: 19.00.01 – “General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology”.
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: the total number – over 70, including:
- Analysis of the employment problems of Kazakhstani graduates, some of the measures to promote employment// Bulletin of the Development of Science and Education. – Moscow, Russia, 2010.
- Formation of the professional development of future teachers through active teaching methods in the system of university education// Bulletin of EAGI. – №3. – Astana, 2010.
- Some psychological aspects of professional deontology of HS// Psixologiya. Volume 1, Issue 2. – Bukhara, 2011.
- System approach to the study of leadership competencies// Psixologiya. Volume 1, vol.3. – Bukhara, 2011.
- Team building, as part of the leadership competencies// Bulletin “Psychology”. – №4 (29), 2011.
Professional achievements:
2012 – Certificate of the MJ of RK on state registration of rights to the object of copyright on “psychometric questionnaire determine the level of personal competencies quality» №0009128;
2013 – Certificate of the MJ of RK on state registration of rights to the copyright object called “psychometric questionnaire of personal and managerial skills” program for the computer number 0010328;
2014 – Certificate of the MJ of RK on state registration of rights to the copyright object called “Talent Management” on May 12, 2014 №0011908;
2014 – Certificate of the International Academy of Psychology, Integrative Art Therapy.
2015 – Diploma of the University of Navarra, the Family Affairs Institute № 12AS;
2015 – Certificate of participation at the international scientific-practical conference, the Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov;
2015 – Certificate of participation at the round table dedicated to the anniversary of S.M. Dzhakupov, the L.N. Gumilyov National Uiversity.
Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Psychological Science, Academic expert of the L.N Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
Nakipbekova Raissa Ubitayevna
Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Science
Scientific, academic title:professor
Education: The Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov, 1984, specialty: Physics. She defended the Candidate’s Dissertation on specialty: 13.00.01 – “General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education, Ethnopedagogy”.
Awards: The Badge “Excellent worker of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
List of scientific and scientific-methodological works: the total number – 64, including:
- Scientifically-methodical bases of formation of psihologo-pedagogical competence of teachers of medical higher educational institutions// educational aid. – Almaty, 2009. – 85 p.
- Androgogic principles of training the civil servants in the framework of new educational paradigm// Proceedings of the International conference “Preparation of the new generation of public servants”. – Astana, 2010.
- A modular approach to building training programs for women leaders// Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference “Preparation of the new generation of public servants”. – Astana, 2010.
- The organization of independent work of students when studying psychological and pedagogical disciplines// Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Modern Problems of Humanities and Social Science”. – 2015. – P. 111-113.
Field of scientific research: pedagogy and psychology of higher school, innovative methods of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines.
Professional achievements:
2006 – Certificate No. 04-53 “Psychological counselling”, the Institute of group and family psychology and psychotherapy;
2007 – Certificate No. 1175 “Psychology of management”, the Institute of professional training and distant education;
2007 – Certificate No. 1185 “The distance learning Technology. The main aspects of development, modern requirements for distance learning at the University”;
2010 – Certificate of participation at the seminar “Preparing a new generation of public servants”, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2014 – Certificate of participation at the seminar on the theme: “Smart government: science and technology” (Global e-Government Forum, Astana);
2015 – Certificate of participation at the online seminars on Thomson Reuters resources for scientific research;
Corresponding member of the International Academy of Psychological Science (Russia)