EAGI held Doors Open Day

On 7 April, 2016 EAGI held Doors Open Day. The school graduates from gymnasium №5 and from secondary schools №32, 70, 53, 50,63, etc. attended our Institute.

First Prorector, Candidate of Psychological Science, Professor A.D. Ismailov and Prorector of educational and scientific work, Doctor of Historical Science, Professor K.A. Akhmetov made a welcome speech. In their speech, the Prorectors of EAGI congratulated the school graduates with the upcoming end of the school, wished them success in preparation and passing the final exams.

Next, Heads of the Departments of EAGI described briefly the educational process in the Institute and prospects of admission to the specialties of their Departments.

During the event the guests enjoyed musical performances of the creative teams of our Institute.

With the final speech Prorector on educational work, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Docent Ya. Ospanova concluded the event. In her speech, Prorector clearly presented the activities of the Eurasian Humanities Institute to the guests and invited prospective students to enroll in our Institute.

Also the students of our Institute spoke to the guests: Mazhit A. – Head of the volunteer movement of EAGI, Orazov Zh. – Head of the poetic club “Поэзия сен менімен егіз бе едің?” and Tashebayev U. – owner of the nominal grant of the President of Kazakhstan, captain of the women’s volleyball team. In their speech, our activists told the school graduates why they chose EAGI and what they gained from the study in our Institute.