EAGI took part at the international conference devoted to the issues of the external accreditation
On 15 October 2018 the representatives of the Eurasian Humanities Institute Ismayilov A.D. the first Prorector. Zagatova S.B., Director of the Deparrtment on the academic issues and accreditation, Khamzina S.B., Director of the library, Docents: Ilyassova A.U., Drokin Yu.D., Izdeleuova A.B. took part in the work of the international conference on provision of quality in higher education “Training of the external group and preparation of the reports” organized by the Independent Agency on providing quality in education.
The President of IAPQE Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor Kalanova Sh.M. addressed the greeting word to the participants of the conference. There was an interesting discussion on different directions of the conference program: internal provision of the quality of the doctorate educational program, challenges for the experts of external assessment, preparation of the report about self-assessment. A particular interest was caused by the experience of the experts from different European countries: Professor Alfredo Gardel Vicente (Belgium), Mary-Elizabeth Boduen (France). Organizational issues in the external assessment were reported by the representatives of the European associations on providing quality in higher education: Fransoir Perno, Professor, the member of ENQA, Solanzh Pizar, and the Head of the project HCERES. The experience of the Centre on providing quality of Armenia was represented by the Director of ANQA, Professor Ruben Topchan.