Foreign Language: two foreign languages on the shortened programme of learning

The Eurasian Humanities Institute announces enrollment of the students on specialty: 5B011900 – Foreign Language: two foreign languages on the shortened programme of learning on the base of higher education for the period of 2 years 10 months. The graduate of the baccalaureate on specialty: 5B011900 –“ Foreign Language: two foreign languages” is conferred the academic degree of the Bachelor of Education (English and German/French).

List of documents needed for being enrolled:

  • Document about higher education (original with the supplement);
  • Copy of the identity card;
  • 8 photos 3×4;
  • Medical certificate: form 086-У (fluorography photograph);
  • Copy of the work-book or certificate from the work-place;
  • Paper binder, a file, an envelope.

The enrollment on the shortened programme is also opened on the specialties:


  • 5В010100 – Preschool education
  • 5В010200 –Pedagogy and Methods of primary education
  • 5В010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology
  • 5В011400 –History
  • 5В011700 –The Kazakh Language and Literature
  • 5В011900 – Foreign Language: two foreign languages


  • 5В030100 –Jurisprudence


  • 5В050900 – Finance

On the questions of enrollment address the selection committee of the Institute.
Contacts: +7 (7172) 56-22-00, +7 (702) 590-82-08.